Tag: taskbar

Unity Ubuntu Topbar disappeared

I have often seen that the Unity Topbar of Ubuntu LTS is hidden or not clean loaded after Login. It’s Caching Problem of Unity (Compiz) and Lightdm, if the PC is not clean rebooted or started. Howto fix: sudo rm -fr ~/.cache/compizconfig-1 \ && sudo rm -fr ~/.compiz && sudo service lightdm restart Now relogin and check.. if ok do a Profile Backup! with: tar -cvzf /usb-backup-stick/compiz.tgz \ /home/username/.cache/compizconfig-1 /home/username/.compiz

AMD64 Live CPU Setting Gnome CPU Speed Applet Speedstep

Problem: Nur root ist es erlaubt die AMD64 Live Taktung manuell von 1.0 zu 2.6Ghz mit dem CPU Gnome Applet zu steuern. Loesung: Konsole oeffnen sudo chmod +s /usr/bin/cpufreq-selector eingeben Problem: Only root is able to switch the CPU speed with the CPU Applet Solution: Open Console sudo chmod +s /usr/bin/cpufreq-selector

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