Tag: non-google

Android Browser: GNU IceCat the better Android Browser for you?

If you use Android on your Tablet or Phone, and you like to get back more privacy and security you should take a closer look at the GNU IceCat Android Browser: Source: https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/icecat/38.6.0/ (Outside of Play Store) IceCat need NO Google Account and does not call home, install it and try it. I don’t wanne miss IceCat on my Cellphones Handling is same like Firefox, cause it’s based on Firefox Framework, but offers more user access.

Android: Get back Privacy and Security

If you use a Android Smartphone (other Mobile-OS same) you should take a minute to get back your privacy and security! This points helps to prevent, but there is no warranty for 100% protection! First every Smartphone offers a Factory Reset, search it on Settings and DO it! This prevent you from Firmware Spam by the Reseller! (Samsung, HTC..) Boot the Phone without inserting a SIM card, create a fake account to get Updates and Software over a PUBLIC WIFI Network (Coffee Shop, Freifunk) Install wanted Apps, then go to Settings now to accounts, PURGE the fake account. Disable / […]

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