Tag: linux

Linux FreeBSD: Protect your Disc Data against power loss

Problem: If you use IDE or SATA Disc Drives inside your Workstation or Server without a additional uninterruppted power supply after a power loss your Disc Drives can lose data, do not boot clean up agian or damage the drive headers and sectors. Background: SATA or IDE Drives uses “Disc Cached Controllers”, the count of this disc cache reach from 8 to 64 megabytes. In case of data write to disc, the disc controllers do cache some data who are often used. A Raid 1 Disc Mirror is affected too by this problem. SCSI od SAS are not using Cache […]

Linux Green IT: Basics to save Energy and Resources

Problem: Every User today read a lot of articles on the Net about Green-IT, but the basics are often forgotten! Background: Current Office PCs and Servers need a lot of Energy at the Offices Current and new Operating Systems need more and faster Hardware The Industries blow up Applications and Online Webpages with animated Applets you never need Current Hardware produce more and more heat, which you have to cool   If you want to go the right way at your IT Future then do remark these points: Plan your IT Future detailed !!!! Make a sheet of all needed […]

Linux Bug: SATA failed command: WRITE FPDMA QUEUED ata3.00 ncq freeze hang

Problem: If you copy or install Files from Disk to Disk somtimes the fresh installed Debian Ubuntu Linux in Textmode (server minimal setup) current kernel freezes or lost connect to the Disks. Take a CLOSER LOOK the Error often affects ALL DISKS !! If only one Disk  affected replace the Drive to SATA600 Hardware:  Asus M4n75TD NEW with Phenom 1090T X6 and 8GB Ram and /dev/sda: Model=Hitachi, FwRev=GM4OA52A, SerialNo=GEA530RF1RDDGA Config={ HardSect NotMFM HdSw>15uSec Fixed DTR>10Mbs } RawCHS=16383/16/63, TrkSize=0, SectSize=0, ECCbytes=56 BuffType=DualPortCache, BuffSize=15118kB, MaxMultSect=16, MultSect=off CurCHS=16383/16/63, CurSects=16514064, LBA=yes, LBAsects=976773168 IORDY=on/off, tPIO={min:120,w/IORDY:120}, tDMA={min:120,rec:120} PIO modes:  pio0 pio1 pio2 pio3 pio4 DMA modes:  […]

Linux: Active Desktop for Linux Xserver openbox Meteosat Active Desktop Wallpaper Weatherstation

Problem: If you use Linux for your Desktop perhaps you miss the “Active Desktop” of Windows Internet Explorer to see changed Web Images? Solution: To show Web Images on your Desktop (xserver) you can use program called feh, you will need NO Browser very good for Meteosat Thin Client use or Debian Linux on a Flash Disk 1GB use. With feh smallest debian install possible no hal and no dbus or consolekit needed. sudo apt-get install feh create a small script at your home folder echo ' feh –bg-center http://oiswww.eumetsat.org/IPPS/html/latestImages/EUMETSAT_MSG_RGB-naturalcolor-centralEurope.jpg' > /home/yourname/background.sh edit crontab with crontab -e insert : @hourly  Display=:0.0 […]

Small Linux on Thin Client 32MB Disk

Problem: If you have bought a Thin Client Terminal, you lost updates after some years, cause the manufacter closes the support, or you have to pay for the Upgrades. Solution: To reuse the old Hardware take a closer look on www.tinycorelinux.com There you find a very small modular Linux. You must not buy new Hardware! Tinycorelinux runs on x86 (Intel/AMD/Via) Hardware with a current 2.6 Kernel inside a RAMDISK.   Preferred Applications: Kiosk Internet Box Internet Radio Netbook with full ThinClient Support for High Security Travel (Company’s) Internet PC Office PC Fast energy saving embedded PC with ramdisk Use SSH […]

Debian Squeeze: Which is current the best Debian for Laptops?

Problem: There is no difference between new and old Laptops, they always need the best Drivers on Linux to operate safe. Solution: For this you should take Sqeeze Debian Version. To get a fast Desktop on a older Laptop like a Thinkpad R50p or T30 you can use LXDE Desktop. /etc/apt/sources.list deb http://ftp2.de.debian.org/debian/ squeeze main non-free contrib deb-src http://ftp2.de.debian.org/debian/ squeeze main non-free contrib deb http://security.debian.org/ squeeze/updates main contrib non-free deb-src http://security.debian.org/ squeeze/updates main contrib non-free for upgrade, or take the LXDE-Debian-testing iso of the Debian Mirrors. To install with a Install netinst – CD do: aptitude install xdm lxde xserver-xorg […]

Change Default Browser on Debian Ubuntu Linux to Opera

run as root/sudo: #update-alternatives –config x-www-browser System shows: Auswahl Alternative ———————————————– 1 /usr/bin/iceweasel *+ 2 /usr/bin/opera Enter: 2 relogin into X-Server/Desktop and Opera is default!

USB external Harddisk hangs PC (1TB Western Digital Drive WDBAAU0010HBK )

Environment: Western Digital WDBAAU0010HBK at Linux-PC, if the User use a Linux PC the external Drive is spin / powered down after some time, cause the Case of WDBAAU0010HBK is made to save energy. Bugfix: Send the drive back to reseller! an order Fujitsu Storagebird 1TB – good big Pluggers (USB A+B , no bad Micro-USB-Pluggers) – silent – fast – cool – no energy saving mode

Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx Videocall VoIP Webcam Chat

For using Video Chat over different continents you need under Ubuntu 10.04 following steps: – buy a older used good Webcam Logitech Fusion (UVC-Driver-Webcam) – go to Skype Homepage install Skype Beta for 8.10 (working on 10.04 too) – plugin Webcam – install skype-deb paket #sudo apt-get install skype-ubuntu-intrepid_2.1.0.81-1_i386.deb – login to skype if you have a account, if not register at skype for free ..have fun..out of the box Webcam Chat works out of the box! (This was a big problem of older ubuntu/debian versions, cause i can’t phone to other countries) ..now Windows is replaced for ever..

Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx Videocall VoIP Webcam Chat Skype

For using Video Chat over different continents you need under Ubuntu 10.04 following steps: buy a older used good Webcam Logitech Fusion (UVC-Driver-Webcam) go to Skype Homepage install Skype Beta for 8.10 (working on 10.04 too) plugin Webcam install skype-deb paket #sudo apt-get install skype-ubuntu-intrepid_2.1.0.81-1_i386.deb login to skype if you have a account, if not register at skype for free ..have fun..out of the box Webcam Chat works out of the box! (This was a big problem of older ubuntu/debian versions, cause i can’t phone to other countries)

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