Tag: file management

Bug Nautilus slow SMB Performance gvfs-smb

If you use Samba as File Share (NAS) Samba mounts often hang by listing huge amount files like Photos. Known Problem is the gfvs-backend is hanging up on switching between smb protocol (smb1-2-3) versions! Faster is to use the cifs Kernel mount without the gnome-backend communication open Terminal enter: id myusername mkdir /home/myusername/nas/ with known id do: Workaround edit /etc/fstab insert: sudo nano /etc/fstab insert at the end !! //192.168.1XX.XXX/nas /home/myusername/nas cifs file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,username=myusername,password=XXXX,domain=home.local,uid=10XX 0 0 Now over 50MB’s per second should by possible over gigabit cable. If not needed disable Samba Logging!

Impressum Datenschutz-DSGVO-GDPR

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