Tag: background

GDM3: Change Wallpaper Change background color Speed up GDM3 after boot

Problem: By default Debian with GDM3 is slow on older Hardware like Laptops or PCs with small Graphic Card Background: GDM3 shows Images at size 800×600 an zooms up to Screen Size, this burns speed. Solution: edit gdm3-theme config sudo nano /usr/share/gdm/greeter-config/20_debian and change to #Use a specific background #/desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename /..path #to wallpaper #/desktop/gnome/background/picture_options zoom #zoom /desktop/gnome/background/primary_color #357DAA # color Win2000 # Theming options #/desktop/gnome/interface/gtk_theme Clearlooks # Greeter options #/apps/gdm/simple-greeter/logo_icon_name debian-swirl # Play system beeps – especially the one when the greeter is ready #/desktop/gnome/sound/event_sounds true # Some other possible options #/apps/gdm/simple-greeter/banner_message_enable true #/apps/gdm/simple-greeter/banner_message_text Welcome #/apps/gdm/simple-greeter/disable_restart_buttons false #/apps/gdm/simple-greeter/disable_user_list false # […]

Impressum Datenschutz-DSGVO-GDPR

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