SME Server config by console

SME Server is controlled by a extra Runlevel 7 of Linux (Default Linux has 6 runlevel).

SME Server set the Runlevel 7 control with some database files located at /home/e-smith/db
to set your configuration you have to login with ssh (Putty) as root/admin
and enter:
#db configgroupname command dbfilename setting status
for example:
#db configuration show cpuspeed
SME Server answere to you:
to change the service to enabled enter:
#db configuration setprop cpuspeed status enabled
thats all…
db commands are:
db configuration show /to show config of Runlevel 7
db accounts show /to show user+system accounts
db hosts show /to show hosted domain names

to save you settings enter:
#signal-event console-save
play a little bit the db command and you learn to use it..

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