WordPress: Secure Faster Effective Blogging

If you use WordPress or a other CMS for daily blogging, it’s useful to have a own User Acount on a PC. Advantages: Own Browser for Blogging with saved Passwords Own Link Bar for quick switching between the Social Media Platforms You won’t need to open Security Holes like API Software Interfaces for used Plugins Speeds up the WordPress Blog cause reduced Plugin loads You have the full control. cause most free API Plugins save your Passwords on foreign Servers One touch Bookmarks let you jump fast between the Social Media Platforms No Data are automatic transfered without your knowledge […]

Review: Tiny powerful MP3 Player

If you look for a Travel MP3 Player which is useful, powerful and easy to handle you should take closer look on this Odys MP3 Player. Advantages: Battery Powered 1x Standard AAA High Output Anti Shock Resistent Low Price Ease to handle Equalizer (not often needed) Output for 2 Persons Dual Stereo Jack Sun readable Display with Backlight for Nights Different Play Modes, Shuffle, Repeat and Repeat all Much louder than most Smartphones! Hard Case for Jogging / Outdoor usage Can update older Ghetto Blasters with MP3 Option Can offer a local Home “FM” Radio Station with a 3,5mm Stereo to FM […]

WordPress: Change Word on all content sites with mysql

If you run a WordPress Blog or other CMS with MySQL Backend you can easy change one same word or expression on all content sites on the fly Do a mysqldump at first of the current database $ mysqldump -u username -p dbname > dbbackup.sql Login to the MySQL server Console Switch to the Database mysql> use dbname; run command for tests, lists touched posts mysql> SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE (post_content LIKE '%expression%'); Run Replace code to pre, cause i use preformat text plugin for the copy & paste boxes mysql> UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = REPLACE ( post_content, […]

FreeBSD: Monitor svn Updates

If you use the  svn subversion tool to update source tree or ports tree, you want to have a possibility to look back what was pulled, pushed and droped you can use a Log File to monitor the update scripts. This helps if you temporarily log out the Terminal Sessions for a Coffee break. Howto: Login to FreeBSD via SSH Use a tmux program like screen or tmux, if not installed, then install it. This allows ongoing operations on disconnects Run on the Terminal $tmux Run $sudo svn update /usr/src > /home/updates/svn.log #exit STRG+B then press "d" detach The svn […]

FreeBSD: Current Version port upgrade fails with “portsnap extract” bug

If you use the current “head” Version (Release 12) of FreeBSD with a svn updated /usr/src path you could run into errors after updating the OS via buildworld from sources. There’s a bug ahead Revision “r314099” at the “portsnap” lib that will stop on extracting the ports.tgz to /usr/ports! Solution: Pull again sources to /usr/src with $svn update /usr/src $make buildworld $make buildkernel $make installkernel $reboot $mergemaster -p $make installworld $mergemaster -FiU $reboot $portsnap fetch update #again.. to update ports tree $portupgrade -a $reboot This should work now, the failed portsnap extract function was a known bug. If you dont […]

WordPress: Monitor the Size of the MYSQL Database

If you use WordPress or a other Blog Software with a MySQL Database over years it is useful to do some things regularly: Check the Database Size weekly, that no Skript Kid has found a Backdoor and fills up the Database silent Purge Database Caches with default maintenance tools of the Software Dont forget to create a MySQL Dump Backup weekly with cron To Check the Size login on mysql command prompt do: $mysql -u dbuser -p #Enter Password mysql > use dbwordpress mysql > SELECT table_schema "Data Base Name", sum( data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024 "Data Base […]

Centos: Release 5 now “end of life”

On 2017, March 31th the official Release End of Version 5 is reached. This also touches SME Server Version 8.1. If you use this you must now upgrade the Webserver to the next Version. Checkout which last version offers latest Options like PHP7, MYSQL 6 ..more Checkout that you current Content PHP Kits Support the new OS Options (PHP7) As Remark you should do at first a FULL BACKUP of your DATA!! see here Save manual the /etc folder to Backup, dump crontabs and firewall settings! (ufw) Setup a fresh OS if you are not a Professional Admin cause to […]

WordPress: Why less plugins is more?

WordPress is a well known Blogging Platform to publish your Content to the world. But after some years of analysing of my Webserver Logs i remarked that a lot of used plugins produces more errors on inside linking than i would like to have. I could not explain why the Search Engines run into Errors or dead ends if they scan via the bots the Content. I didn’t realize that the plugins were the bad factor. If you see same problems you can start up analyse your Blog for free with these steps: Go Plugins disable all uneeded Plugins like […]

WordPress: Change User Password manual on mysql prompt

If you don’t want to use Passwords generated by wordpress itself, you can do it manual on a MYSQL Console howto: Login to your Webserver with the Database via encrypted SSH!! Login to the MYSQL Server Conssole with $ mysql -u username -p Enter Password, and change database with mysql>use database-name-of-blog Now Set Password for the User mysql>UPDATE wp_users SET user_pass = MD5('NEWPASSWORD-16-DIGITS') WHERE user_login = "THEUSERNAME"; System shows Echo: mysql> ok.. Changed 1 Row.. Quit mysql> exit Logout of SSH

WordPress: SEO Ranking bad after setting “read more” tags

After some weeks of cleaning up my blog, i remarked a very bad ranking from under the first 10 on google to nirvana What did i change? saved wp-login with htaccess to non-public set post content with “read more” buttons Background: Search engine like google wasn’t able to pull content of posts which are cut by “more” Search engine wasn’t able to pull relinks over the wp-admin url by the internal wordpress feeds I was forced to turn back my settings and wait for better ranking.. not safe but must be..

WordPress: Replace or Purge Text on all Posts by mysql

If you have to remove a link, text or else on all wordpress posts pages with same signs like the “read more” tag do: mysql -u dbadmin -p – enter password – change database by: use databasename – run change command(SET “more-tag-source-html-pre” WordPress reformat the output here! ): mysql > UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = REPLACE (post_content,'<!!–more–>',''); – System Echo’s: Query OK, 88 rows affected (0.01 sec) Rows matched: 706 Changed: 88 Warnings: 0

Raspberry Pi: Resize Shrink SDCard Image Clone Backup Noobs

If you own a raspberry pi, in some cases it is useful to shrink the sdcard, cause you need often not more than 8/16GB. What do you need and how to solve shinking or extending the OS: Hardware you need: 2 empty SDCards (Source + Dest.) 2 SDCard Adaptors Micro-SD to SD Fullsize 2 SD-USB Card Readers, i use them for stable work, cause USB SDCard Readers on Laptops often fails (Shared Sources) 1 Laptop with Ubuntu CD inside the CD-Rom or installed ubuntu with gparted Howto: Plug the Cards into the Adaptors and into the Readers, connect to the […]

Rasperry Pi: SD Card Partitions Layout Noobs Backup Restore

If you use a raspberry pi for projects which is shipped with a 8GB SDCard it is very useful to know basics about the root, file and recovery system on the preinstalled card. Major Basics about the Partitioning you find here To save time the raspberry pi offers possibility to run a Full Backup if the pi is ONLINE! Cause the OS is running from RAM like Live Mode! For Backup you need a USB to SDCard Reader with Adaptor Micro SD to SD, and a second SDCard i use 16GB Class 10 Plugin the new SDCard into the Adaptor and into […]

Amazon: Cloud Drive Sharing with NFS on Local Network as Photo Uploader Backup

Current the acd_cli tool for amazon drive mount offers no “fsid” (device /dev) point, that you cant export and share the amazon drive at your home local network. On the latest raspberry pi OS (jessie) you can use a small workaround to get a NFS Shared Amazon Cloud Backup Uploader (needs python3.4 !) install acd_cli tools, create the auth file (read) and  run $ sudo acd_cli mount /amazoncloud now create a second Folder /sendtoamazon install nfs-kernel-Server and share this Folder with NFS exports to your LAN on the raspberrypi you can use a cron “move” Job running every 10 Minutes: #crontab -e */10 * […]

Openmips: Upgrade Gigablue Firmware Failure Boot Freeze Enigma

If you own a Gigablue TV Box ( Gigablue UE 800 2 Tuner DVB-S + DVB-C for example) a reboot on Firmware 4.2 can lookup the box to factory reset. This did my box too. I decided to upgrade the Firmware from openmips 4.2 to current 5.4. But you ran into some bugs, like freezes on Firmware flashes! Hang on Reboot, or boot after Flash into old Firmware. I found some Workarounds to fix (I have a gigabue with 2 Tuners inside and a HDD) To upgrade you need 3 USB Sticks 4GB FAT32 formated Go to the official Downloadpage and download […]

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