Backup daily WordPress Drupal Script

If you use Drupal or WordPress and you have a virtual Server with SSH Login you should set up a daily Backup Script to have a Snapshot of your Blogs if Hackers insert SQL Code Injections or hack PHP Sites. Cause you cant NEVER know every EXPLOIT of every used Plugin (here less plugins is more!) Of course you can daily or hourly RESTORE AUTOMATIC by CRON your Blogs by OVERWRITE bad inserted STUFF! Howto? Article comming soon !!  .. sorry have current not enough time..   or read my Wiki for MYSQL and WordPress Help! Daily or hourly restored […]

Health Status Data on Cloud Services

From the current News we hear that insurances offers humans to save the complete health status at a Cloud based App. This is by DEFAULT insecure! Smartphones get less OS Security Updates by Manufacter Users do NOT know to handle Updates Users can’t update Firmwares by default Apps most located at App Stores (Google, Apple) App Stores Analyse downloads and usage of Apps, with this getting personal Data to SELL!! No Health Insurance knows to securing Data Pools especially Clouds !! No one will help Humans if Cloud App Keys abused and Data stolen Humans can be forces to offer […]

Android Hidden Location Tracker

If you use a Android device google can track you via scanned and known wifi Networks without any connection! Android scans your area, shops, stores for public wifi networks, via LTE / GSM the OS verify the Data online at Google. As Result Google Maps sends you Popups to VOTE the last visited Places at Google Maps. That’s all WITHOUT GPS and WIFI connected only LTE/GSM ! Purge Google Account! (disconnect!) and disable all unwanted Google Apps especially Uploaders (Backups) then go Android Settings -> Wifi -> Advanced Wifi Settings! Disable the “local wifi scan” option switch at Android! Remark: […]

Openwrt dmesg human timestamp

To viel on busybox dmesg with human readable time for debug do: $vi /root/ insert: base=$(cut -d '.' -f1 /proc/uptime); seconds=$(date +%s); dmesg | sed 's/\]//;s/\[//;s/\([^.]\)\.\([^ ]*\)\(.*\)/\1\n\3/' | while read first; do read second; first=`date +"%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S" –date="@$(($seconds – $base + $first))"`; printf "[%s] %s\n" "$first" "$second"; done exit 0 run it sh System Echo: … [16/03/2018 14:55:18] br-lan: port 3(wlan1) entered blocking state [16/03/2018 14:55:18] br-lan: port 3(wlan1) entered disabled state [16/03/2018 14:55:18] device wlan1 entered promiscuous mode [16/03/2018 14:55:18] br-lan: port 3(wlan1) entered blocking state [16/03/2018 14:55:18] br-lan: port 3(wlan1) entered forwarding state [16/03/2018 14:55:19] br-lan: port […]

Apache MEMCACHED UDP Protection

Current a lot of sites blogging about memcached attacks on Servers here some details: Memcached Servers need a installed and running Service called “memcached” Websites need a php-plugin like php7.0-memcached to connect via API to the memcached Service The Memcached Service uses a own Config File at debian /etc/memcached.conf By default it MUST listen to localhost or socket Admins MUST setup a FIREWALL like “ufw” (iptables) and MUST check own Server for OPEN PORTS with nmap The Problem is that Attackers can run Scripts against to your Server in a 10^6 Range like a BOTNET !! with ONE PC cause […]

Openmips Enigma2 restart cron Gigablue

If you use a Gigablue SAT Box,after some weeks enigma2 will hang up: edit root crontab: $crontab -e insert: 0 1 * * * killall -9 enigma2 && sleep 5 && init 3 && /etc/init.d/samba restart 5 1 * * * wget -O /dev/null -q "IP-OF-GIGA-Box/web/powerstate?newstate=0&type=0" This will restart enigma2 Service, Samba and Webinterface too! Then Enigma is set to Standby! That kodi can access the TV Bookmarks to view TV over LAN! If Standby is not set Kodi hangs!


Test Setup Futro S500 with USB Wifi Dongle Realtek RTL8192CU PCI Riser Card with Realtek Gigabit LEDE 17.XX Trunk Kernel 4.14 Download latest Version from select x86/64 extract the compressed image (*ext4*img.gz) and dump it with “dd” to CF-Card 1GB Sample for Clean Setup like TP-Link Router Firmware: You need to install this packages by “opkg update && opkg install package name && reboot”: base-files – 184-r6198-ba5f700 busybox – 1.27.2-3 dnsmasq – 2.79rc1-1 dropbear – 2017.75-5 e2fsprogs – 1.43.7-1 firewall – 2017-11-07-c4309372-2 fstools – 2018-02-11-3d239815-1 fwtool – 1 hostapd – 2017-08-24-c2d4f2eb-6 hostapd-common – 2017-08-24-c2d4f2eb-6 hostapd-utils – 2017-08-24-c2d4f2eb-6 iftop – […]

Nextcloud Owncloud Calling Home

I did a deeper firewall test on my fresh installed OpenWRT Router and activated a “Ads Blacklist” after this my owncloud Share Login loops! Result: Seems that some IP’s of the “Update Check Tool” Servers, which is installed inside the PHP-Kit is blacklisted. So it seems the Code calls home!  With this option its possible to count and collect IPs of Setups! Perhaps checkout unpatched Versions! I didn’t check deeper, but the behavior was clear without viewing the codes. After publish this Info via Twitter:   REMARKS: No Company / Developer works for “free” After Setup of PHP-Kits do a […]

Android Browser Traffic Waste

If you use a Smartphone or Tablet be sure that the Browser like Firefox, Icecat Opera are not active at “minimize” mode, if the Website code uses a “auto” refresh code the Browser will endless load the sites on Background! This burns your Data Limit to zero.. Howto: Swipe unused apps to Top of Screen! Control by tapping onto the Square Button! Use Data Traffic Control Apps default addon tool of Huawei

ENFORCE Google to DuckDuckgo SEARCH

If you want to enforce the use of instead of do: Edit at the PC the “hosts” File on: Linux /etc/hosts Windows C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc insert at last: #ip of duckduckgo or #ip of duckduckgo #ip of duckduckgo or #ip of duckduckgo or ..reboot and test on a Browser Session after you see Remark: Most DSL Routers do offer the edit of the hosts File too, do same there and ALL devices redirected! Don’t forget to reboot! This Solution works only on IPv4 Networks, to enforce the […]


If have read the latest News about the Big Data Collector and his for FREE shared Browser, you see that the big data Company’s abuses their power to block Websites from their Buisiness. With the next upcoming Releases they prevent fast access to public News Sites or other Blogs and enforces the Website Owners to ACCEPT the NEW RULES. You see that most FREE Software IS NOT REALLY FREE Software, cause it’s a Tool to take CONTROL over the normal USERS! To PREVENT this POLITICS try to use ALTERNATE SOFTWARE like the ICECAT Browser, sometimes it’s more useful to have […]

Nextcloud Owncloud Opensource Risk’s

If you are current using Nextcloud / Owncloud or other PHP-Kits for File Handling you should know these remarks: Based on this Article You must know: Details of Security about your current used PHP Versions (7.X) Details of your used Database Version (MySQL..) Details of hardened OS and Webserver Version (Apache,Firewall,fail2ban,file policys, selinux, apparmor filter) See ALWAYS PHP-Kits of opensource with the trust of NON HARDENED SOFTWARE (prefer NON-PUBLIC ACCESS) You can ACCESS this Software thru SSH TUNNELS with a local running non-caching PROXY (privoxy) Use the SSH Tunnels on unknown Ports and Login via Key Files which must be […]

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