Debian Ubuntu: Delete Packages which are marked as “rc”

Problem: If you up/downgrade a Debian most of unneeded files are always on your disk Solution: To check: $sudo dpkg -l | more To cleanup: dpkg –list |grep "^rc" | cut -d " " -f 3 | xargs sudo dpkg –purge If you like run the command twice cause sometimes deps are new taken or install deporphan to: $sudo deborphan | xargs sudo apt-get -y remove –purge If you like run the command twice cause sometimes deps are new taken

Debian Squeeze: Which is current the best Debian for Laptops?

Problem: There is no difference between new and old Laptops, they always need the best Drivers on Linux to operate safe. Solution: For this you should take Sqeeze Debian Version. To get a fast Desktop on a older Laptop like a Thinkpad R50p or T30 you can use LXDE Desktop. /etc/apt/sources.list deb squeeze main non-free contrib deb-src squeeze main non-free contrib deb squeeze/updates main contrib non-free deb-src squeeze/updates main contrib non-free for upgrade, or take the LXDE-Debian-testing iso of the Debian Mirrors. To install with a Install netinst – CD do: aptitude install xdm lxde xserver-xorg […]

MySQL : Backup and Restore Database without phpmyadmin (commandline)

Problem: phpmyadmin interfaces are slow and often attacked by script kids, if you can don’t use it! Solution: To backup and restore use command line To Backup a database: $mysqldump -u root -p wordpressdb > /backups/wordpressdb-dump.sql [Enter root password] To restore: $mysql -u root -p wordpressdb < /backups/wordpressdb-dump.sql[Enter root password] Remark: this is not recogized by the ONLINE SYSTEM if users visits you pages to read! There must be no shutdown of the mysql or apache webserver, its a online HOT-Dump. If you like put it into a script and set cron to backup every night. Sample Bash MySQL Script […]

WordPress MySQL: Cleanup old revisions old posts old entrys

Problem: If you use wordpress and edit often your posts a high count of old revisions are backuped inside the mysql database: Solution: Login mysql $mysql -u root -p [Enter root password] at mysql command line select wordpress your database mysql>use wordpressdb; [Enter] System echo=Database changed.. delete old backups of posts mysql>DELETE FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type = "revision"; [Enter] System echo=..Entry affected time.. logout database and revisit pages, if you have made a database backup with mysqldump before and after cleanup you see how much size the database lost (du -h wordpress.sql) often 80% of the size.

Ubuntu Debian: Replace Oracle OpenOffice with Free LibreOffice

Problem: Last weeks most of the free OpenOffice (Oracle owned) workers moves to the new free version LibreOffice Solution: To use free Software do: on 32bit: download files.. cd /tmp wget wget unpack.. tar -xzvf LibO_3.3.0_beta2_Linux_x86_install-deb_en-US.tar.gz tar -xzvf LibO_3.3.0_beta2_Linux_x86_langpack-deb_de.tar.gz go into file to install.. cd DEBS sudo dpkg -i *.deb sudo dpkg -i desktop-integration/*menus*.deb cd /tmp/DE/DEBS sudo dpkg -i *.deb ENJOY THE NEW FREEDOM… on 64bit: download files.. cd /tmp wget wget unpack files.. tar -xzvf LibO_3.3.0_beta2_Linux_x86_install-deb_en-US.tar.gz tar -xzvf LibO_3.3.0_beta2_Linux_x86_langpack-deb_de.tar.gz go into file to install.. cd DEBS sudo dpkg -i *.deb sudo dpkg -i desktop-integration/*menus*.deb […]

Ubuntu Lucid Lynx 10.04: FireGL xorg.conf Thinkpad R50p

Problem: By default the xorg.conf FireGL 128MB radeon driver settings are slow settings Solution: to get a faster behavior do edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf (Update: use Driver “ati” for 3D, use “radeon” for better flashvideos) # sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change radeon area to: Section "Device" VendorName "ATI Technologies Inc" BoardName "M10 NT [FireGL Mobility T2]" BusID "PCI:1:0:0" Option "AGPMode" "4" Option "EnablePageFlip" "True" Identifier "ATI FireGL T2" Driver "radeon" VideoRam 131072 Option "UseFBDev" "off" Option "MergedFB" "off" Option "AGPMode" "4" Option "AccelDFS" "on" Option "DynamicClocks" "on" Option "XAANoOffscreenPixmaps" "true" EndSection

Centos 4.7 4.8 SME Server 7.4 7.5.1 LSI Megaraid ATA PERC 2 Driver (Dell Poweredge 600SC 1600SC)

For install of Centos 4.7 / 4.8 and SME Server 7.4 / 7.5.1 with Kernel 2.6.9-89.0.16.EL Kernel 2.6.9-89.0.16.ELsmp take my compiled Driver here and copy it to /lib/modules/2.6.9-89.0.16.ELsmp/kernel/drivers/scsi/megaraid look for only this modules, remove old or other! megaraid.ko (my compiled driver) megaraid_mm.ko megaraid_sas.ko edit with: #nano /etc/modprobe.conf change first line!!! to: alias scsi_hostadapter megaraid go: cd /boot make: mv initrd-2.6.9-89.0.16.ELsmp.img run to make new kernel-initrd: mkinitrd initrd-2.6.9-89.0.16.ELsmp.img 2.6.9-89.0.16.ELsmp check for new kernel-initrd: ls [Enter] shows: initrd-2.6.9-89.0.16.ELsmp.img ..ok try to reboot.. Attention! After every signal-event post-upgrade/yum update check modprobe.conf for first line!!! is set to “megaraid” Enjoy your old PERC […]

Fast Debian Server as Live Ram Disk System – to run a debian Server inside RAM you have to download debian live cd – to change keyboard layout from default US set bootoption at kernel bootkbd=es for example for spain or “de” for german – to change the user name set [CODE]username=user[/CODE] at bootoption – to fix the servername set [CODE]hostname=debian[/CODE] – you can also recreate the disk or put it on usbstick to get a RAMDisk Server – or try to remaster a debian live disk see info at knoppix pages – you can run a webserver with complete readonly mode!

Change System Crypt Password Debian Ubuntu LVM Full Encrypted System

Solution: The new NEW Password must be set before you delete the old! – open Console! – Login as root! with #sudo -s – enter #cryptsetup -y luksAddKey /AddKey /dev/sdaX – System prompt for old Password, enter it now! – then enter new password min 8 Characters – System should show “Command Successful” – if not search error!!!! – now delete old Password! 8 different Words can be saved! cause 8 Memory Sockets available by cryptsetup – enter to delete #cryptsetup luksDelKey /dev/sdaX 0 – 0 = First-Memory Socket !! – enter new set Password to open Socket-Database – System […]

Debian Ubuntu Update Script with Switch OFF after update

Problem: I f you work on you PC daily Patches must be checked and installed. At Debian / Ubuntu the Gnome-Update-Manager does this. But there is NO Shutdown possible after update. Solution: – create Script #sudo nano /root/ add inside: apt-get update           //for update Patches Database PC apt-get dist-upgrade -y         //install Patches automatic apt-get clean      //cleanup PC /sbin/init 0      //shutdown PC automatic or reboot Server = init 6 exit You can now after work set it to crontab or start manual by #sudo sh /root/ On Servers name it and set root cron to run the job @hourly/@daily

Brother Wireless LAN Printer Setup Linux MFC 7840W Cups

Easy Setup: – go downloads the PPD File for your Printer – go to your DSL Router to view the static IP Address of the Printer – on Debian/Ubuntu without Gnome/KDE install Cups Pakets – open URL at Browser http://localhost:631 as root – add Printer at Management Webinterface – select AppSocket/HP-Jetdirect Communication – select Socket://IP-Priner:9100 – add to Webinterface the PPD File (Settings File = Driver at Windows) – print Test Page enjoy.. with Gnome/KDE like same steps at the Printer-Admin Tool at the System-Settings take always >>AppSocket/HP-Jetdirect<<

SME Server usefull Backup Tips Custom Templates Customizing SME

On SME Server: Data Path which are saved by Console Backup – save all Custom-Scripts which you run with Cron or Root at Location /root – save all modified Custom Templates at /etc/e-smith/templates-custom – all ibays – all /home – if you not know how to make /etc/e-smith/templates-custom files copy the standard templates from /etc/e-smith/templates to /etc/e-smith/templates-custom and modify them there don’t forget to run after customize: #signal-event post-upgrade and #signal-event reboot

SME Server USB Disk Stick mount Problem at SME Server Backup Console

Problem: On SME Server the HAL Daemon often not recognize a USB Stick or Disk which you can use for “Console” Backup Program. Solution: – Create a Script with #nano /root/ – insert: service haldaemon restart service messagebus restart console exit This restart the HAL Environment before Console (SSH-Admin-Tool)is opened. To prevent Users to write on the Shares if you run the Backup you can add: service haldaemon restart service messagebus restart service smb stop console service smb start exit This will stop Samba-Windows Shares! and prevent File-Access-Lockwaits!

Easy Low Cost ISP Setup Debian Server

If you want to host your own old PC as Server for your friends websites, you can easy set up a ISP (Internet Service Provider) Server with Debian Linux. Advantage: – Debian Linux is available 32bit and 64bit – easy update – easy backup and restore All you need: – old PC – Debian CD – Internet Connection – DYNDNS Domain or own Domainname – Webmin, Usermin and Virtualmin GPL Software see for free – Webmailer with Office see for free Setup: – Start PC from CD – make a small Setup – set root password!! non sudo […]

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