Raspberry Pi: Raspian disadvantages of embedded OS

The last 12 month have been a “golden” time of the upcomming embedded linux devices, but the custom OS’s offers some problems, you should know for projects: embedded PC’s like the ARM based pi2 / pi3 uses a own compiled OS not every known debian package is available not all compile scripts to rebuild are available on git slow performance can let you run into unuseable problems (heat, load, I/O), correct written scripts run into freezes without any error made by you! you should take time for a closer look at buying them calc the costs of non-x86 systems, later […]

Security: Harden DSL Routers and Networks against attacks

Last days there was a high count of news about the Bot Attacks against T-Com Telekom Router devices. To understand the behavior about this up comming security problems you should know following points : Every network supported device can be a goal for a attack ( Routers, Modems, PC, Fridges,IP-TV, IP Switches, IP-Cams…) You have to update the OS for each device monthly, if not supported by the manufacter, then dont buy! Try to get Opensource Hardware with Opensource Software for full access (ssh / console) to have full control Reduce the count of devices who are connected direct to […]

Android: Remove builtin Bloatware without hacking rooting or root-firmware

Last Weeks i got a new Smartphone, it offered 8GB Rom for OS and Apps. Iam not a real fan of rooting, cause i didnt write/change the firmware, i found a other way to tune the System: Dont insert a SIM CARD! After first Boot DONT CREATE a Google Account! Then go i to Apps Manager at Settings and try to disable all unwanted Apps! By default the Manufacterer install a very small and Basic App-Links which is updated later by the Playstore to a newer and much bigger one! Most Apps are min 50%-80% bigger than the factory Apps. The disabling […]

Facebook: Use Socialmedia without App Install Safe Battery Lifetime

If you use facebook and the facebook-messenger try to remove these apps cause they alway scan YOUR DEVICE permanent for NEW Files and watch for YOUR updated DATA. These Apps CREATE Indexes and upload this to the dark Facebook Cloud Servers.  This kills your battery capacitiy!! mostly 50% of online time!! and destroy’s your PRIVACY! and blow up your ROM at your Mobile Device Workaround: Use a small browser like builtin webview of Android or firefox Enter http://m.facebook.de to connect yourself to the fb-network This saves much energy and you are NOT permanent scanned!! Try and test it one week, i did […]

Fritzbox: Freezing Wifi if USB 3.0 is used

Today i was touched by a Bug of my fritzbox 7490, after installing a USB 3.0 Stick as NAS the Wifi connect was broken to all devices! After some search on net i found this post: http://avm.de/service/fritzbox/fritzbox-7490/wissensdatenbank/publication/show/1636_WLAN-Stoerungen-bei-angeschlossenem-USB-3-0-Geraet/ Background: The high magnetic frequency’s of USB 3.0 data transfer inside the cable or stick hangup the WIFI chips! It works like a WIFI JAMMER!! DONT USE A ROUTER AS NAS! If it fails or overheat all devices are offline!! It’s a really big joke that most Manufacter sell devices without TESTING!! I call it Banana Hardware..

WordPress: Move Blog to new URL Domain HTTP HTTPS on the MYSQL Console

Info: Today most Search Engines prefer Blogs who are offering “HTTPS” at the URL for secure direct connects to the Websites but this results a lot of headaches to the Website Developers. To be effective you should know: You have to offer HTTPS beside HTTP You should use a validated Domain Certificate, most Domain Resellers offer them for FREE You should know that NOT every FREE Certificate is TRUSTED by every Browser (green closed lock symbol at the adressbar) You have to Develop Websites WITH variable Format output ( PC, Tablet, Smartphone, Smart-TV, Infoboxes,) Design Websites and test 3:2, 4:3, […]

WordPress: RSS Widget Bug builtin Widget (class-wp-widget-rss.php)

Details: If you enable the basic builtin RSS Widget Module and set the RSS Feed URL like http://www.domainname.com/feed/ the widget set the URL only on the little “RSS Icon” but NOT on the RSS Hyperlink ! The Hyperlink is pulling the Value of $url (www.domainname.com) but not adding “/feed/” subdir value. Solution: go ../wp-includes/widgets/ edit with $nano class-wp-widget-rss.php go line 81 show title “rsswidget”  href ” ‘  .  esc_url ( $link ) .  #change here $link to $url exit and save.. check results..

Openwrt : Openwrt 15.XX loses settings if the ROM Root Filesystem is full

On openwrt 15.XX i have seen if you installed additional Sofware via opkg and the /overlay path is nearby full you can’t save any settings via Luci Webinterface (blue Info box right upper corner) or the Router reboots hard automatic into failsave mode (lost all settings / factory reset) Workaround: You can install a external usb stick on most routers and move the “/overlay” folder to it You should always Download the “backup-settings.tgz” from Software Menu to get the Router easy  and fast online again on last working state. If the rootfs (root filesystem and overlay path) is nearby full, […]

Openwrt: Turn older Router into Wifi Accesspoint Repeater Extender Solar Powered

At the Summer Time you need perhaps a Wifi Extender for your Garden?? Solution: TP Link 841/N (low power/Battery 9V/Solar /Type-N-allows external planar Antennas!!), 3600+4300 (USB-NAS/CIFS/SFTP/Classroom Library with USB Strorage) Openwrt 15.XX Calmer as OS with Firewall, Webinterface and REALTIME Monitor for Traffic and Connections! Easy Setup, replace the OS by the TP-Link-Updater, reboot and Login to Openwrt You got professional Options! works as Firewall, Extender, Repeater, WIFI-to-WIFI Bridge, LAN-to-WIFI Bridge, NTP-Server, DNS/DHCP Server can isolate connected WIFI Clients can handle different WIFI SSIDs / Networks on same Hardware modded Hardware can be used with 5Volts of Power! (841 removed Resistor) […]

Ubuntu: Unity Bug Minimize Windows freeze Unity Desktop 15.04

Bug: Minimize Windows freeze Unity Desktop 15.04 Solution: If you use Tweaks to disable or hide the Desktop Icons which are displayed by Nautilus Filemanager Unity is often freezing on maximize or minimize the Windows of Apps like Firefox or Chromium-Browser. This is NO Compiz or Graphic Chip Driver Problem! Its seen on Intel HD, Radeon or Nvidia Graphic on “fresh” Systems! No Log Entry’s are made!! by the System, User must often hard reset the PC or restart Lightdm Login Manager on Console!!

Ubuntu: Create USB Live System Stick for Live Mode or Emergency Help

For all Users, especially Newbies its VERY helpful to have a Rescue System on a USB Stick if a Major Update/Release Change fails or break the System. To this the Ubuntu-ON-RAM Live System is very useful at public shared PCs for Online Banking etc., cause after every reboot all old Firefox Data are safe deleted!! How to create this VERY helpful Tool Stick for free? All you need is the latest Ubuntu-ISO file (AMD64-15.04 – 64bit) a new 4/8GB USB Stick (take a good Brand! to get a high quality tool). Howto: Burn the ISO to DVD/CD (NON-Linux-PC) Boot your […]

Security: Webserver HTTPS with Self Signed Certificate Do it yourself in 5 Minutes!!

Today the Point of Security and encrypted Webserver Communication is rolling over every User who hosts own Websites on the Internet. Last decades HTTPS was only used by Online Login Pages like Shops and Banks to verify the Communication between a User PC and the Website. But after January 2015 the most Search Engines like google decides to force index of Websites with HTTPS Protocol. The Background is that a TLS encrypted Connection isn’t easy to track and to force “drive-by-load-Viruses” to the Website Visitors. But a lot of Webmasters of the Opensource Community were angry about this handling. Thats […]

Raspberry Pi: Howto build a Local Network Monitor for Intrusion Logging Watchdog

Today the count of network devices at home networks grows up weekly, cause more and more home devices like freezers, coffee engines, dishwasher and more got builtin wifi interfaces. To have a Control Unit you can use a raspberry pi2 as cheap Network Monitor Logger. The Raspian by default offers builtin free tools, like arp, arp-scan, nmap, ping to easy monitor a network. If you have learned some commands and the bash scripting you can fast create a Network Logger, perhaps with analyse tools to mail alerts if new “MAC” NIC Adresses are seen. Every network device uses a owned […]

Owncloud: Howto harden owncloud access with a ssh tunnel and squid

If you want to use a private secure owncloud (WebDAV Space Server) as Backup for all your devices you can harden the access thru a openssh Login with key auth and a squid as relay. Install apache2, php5, mysql-Server, openssh, squid3 config Apache2 to listen on https://localhost:443 setup squid3  and config the Proxy to listen only on localhost:3128 install owncloud to /var/WWW with forced “https” settings at the config.php create ssh-keys to auth with password protected key to the SSH Server If done, you can access the private Backup-Server via a Terminal/ Putty with the Tunneling Options $ssh -L 3128:localhost:3128 username@owncloudserver.home Open your Browser on your […]

Oneye: Cloud Office Solution

If you are looking for a Cloud based Office Solution you should take a closer look on the Open Source Software “oneye” (commercial version of eyeos) All you need is a cloud served or home hosted LAP Webserver (Linux/Unix, Apache, PHP5 Server) NO Database required! Source: http://oneye-project.org/ Advantages? + Weboffice with Word, Excel, Mail Client POP+IMAP, Spreadsheet + Internal Message System for User Chat INTERNAL ONLY + FTP UP/DOWNLOAD, PHP UP/DOWNLOAD + Desktop on Server Hardware possible with Raid, and full Backups! (possible nightly cron job folder to tar) + Reachable Office over Internet without any Apps installed! Every Browser Supported! […]

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