Test Setup

  • Futro S500 with USB Wifi Dongle Realtek RTL8192CU
  • PCI Riser Card with Realtek Gigabit
  • LEDE 17.XX Trunk Kernel 4.14
  • Download latest Version from openwrt.org select x86/64
  • extract the compressed image (*ext4*img.gz) and dump it with “dd” to CF-Card 1GB

Sample for Clean Setup like TP-Link Router Firmware:

You need to install this packages by “opkg update && opkg install package name && reboot”:

base-files - 184-r6198-ba5f700
busybox - 1.27.2-3
dnsmasq - 2.79rc1-1
dropbear - 2017.75-5
e2fsprogs - 1.43.7-1
firewall - 2017-11-07-c4309372-2
fstools - 2018-02-11-3d239815-1
fwtool - 1
hostapd - 2017-08-24-c2d4f2eb-6
hostapd-common - 2017-08-24-c2d4f2eb-6
hostapd-utils - 2017-08-24-c2d4f2eb-6
iftop - 2017-02-06-35af3cf6-1
ip6tables - 1.6.1-2
iptables - 1.6.1-2
iw - 4.9-1
iwinfo - 2018-02-15-223e09bf-1
jshn - 2018-02-08-bb0c830b-1
jsonfilter - 2016-07-02-dea067ad-1
kernel - 4.14.20-1-eb9f2f64337015eea1a75123f71f272a
kmod-button-hotplug - 4.14.20-3
kmod-cfg80211 - 4.14.20+2017-11-01-4
kmod-e1000 - 4.14.20-1
kmod-e1000e - 4.14.20-1
kmod-hwmon-core - 4.14.20-1
kmod-i2c-algo-bit - 4.14.20-1
kmod-i2c-core - 4.14.20-1
kmod-igb - 4.14.20-1
kmod-input-core - 4.14.20-1
kmod-ip6tables - 4.14.20-1
kmod-ipt-conntrack - 4.14.20-1
kmod-ipt-core - 4.14.20-1
kmod-ipt-nat - 4.14.20-1
kmod-lib-crc-ccitt - 4.14.20-1
kmod-mac80211 - 4.14.20+2017-11-01-4
kmod-mii - 4.14.20-1
kmod-nf-conntrack - 4.14.20-1
kmod-nf-conntrack6 - 4.14.20-1
kmod-nf-ipt - 4.14.20-1
kmod-nf-ipt6 - 4.14.20-1
kmod-nf-nat - 4.14.20-1
kmod-nf-reject - 4.14.20-1
kmod-nf-reject6 - 4.14.20-1
kmod-nls-base - 4.14.20-1
kmod-ppp - 4.14.20-1
kmod-pppoe - 4.14.20-1
kmod-pppox - 4.14.20-1
kmod-pps - 4.14.20-1
kmod-ptp - 4.14.20-1
kmod-r8169 - 4.14.20-1
kmod-rtl8192c-common - 4.14.20+2017-11-01-4
kmod-rtl8192cu - 4.14.20+2017-11-01-4
kmod-rtlwifi - 4.14.20+2017-11-01-4
kmod-rtlwifi-usb - 4.14.20+2017-11-01-4
kmod-slhc - 4.14.20-1
kmod-usb-core - 4.14.20-1
kmod-usb-ehci - 4.14.20-1
kmod-usb-uhci - 4.14.20-1
kmod-usb-wdm - 4.14.20-1
kmod-usb2 - 4.14.20-1
kmod-usb2-pci - 4.14.20-1
lede-keyring - 2017-01-20-a50b7529-1
libblkid - 2.30.2-2
libblobmsg-json - 2018-02-08-bb0c830b-1
libc - 1.1.18-1
libext2fs - 1.43.7-1
libf2fs - 1.9.0-1
libgcc - 5.5.0-1
libip4tc - 1.6.1-2
libip6tc - 1.6.1-2
libiwinfo - 2018-02-15-223e09bf-1
libiwinfo-lua - 2018-02-15-223e09bf-1
libjson-c - 0.12.1-1
libjson-script - 2018-02-08-bb0c830b-1
libkmod - 20-1
liblua - 5.1.5-1
libmbedtls - 2.7.0-1
libncurses - 6.0-1
libnl-tiny - 0.1-5
libpcap - 1.8.1-1
libpthread - 1.1.18-1
librt - 1.1.18-1
libsmartcols - 2.30.2-2
libubox - 2018-02-08-bb0c830b-1
libubus - 2018-01-16-5bae22eb-1
libubus-lua - 2018-01-16-5bae22eb-1
libuci - 2018-01-01-5beb95da-1
libuci-lua - 2018-01-01-5beb95da-1
libuclient - 2017-11-02-4b87d831-1
libusb-1.0 - 1.0.21-1
libustream-mbedtls - 2016-07-02-ec80adaa-2
libuuid - 2.30.2-2
libxtables - 1.6.1-2
logd - 2018-02-14-128bc35f-1
lua - 5.1.5-1
luci - git-18.047.57952-461df8b-1
luci-app-firewall - git-18.047.57952-461df8b-1
luci-base - git-18.047.57952-461df8b-1
luci-lib-ip - git-18.047.57952-461df8b-1
luci-lib-jsonc - git-18.047.57952-461df8b-1
luci-lib-nixio - git-18.047.57952-461df8b-1
luci-mod-admin-full - git-18.047.57952-461df8b-1
luci-proto-ipv6 - git-18.047.57952-461df8b-1
luci-proto-ppp - git-18.047.57952-461df8b-1
luci-ssl - git-18.047.57952-461df8b-1
luci-theme-bootstrap - git-18.047.57952-461df8b-1
mkf2fs - 1.9.0-1
mtd - 21
netifd - 2018-02-05-1be329c6-3
odhcp6c - 2017-09-05-1f93bd4c-8
odhcpd-ipv6only - 1.3-1
opkg - 2017-12-07-3b417b9f-2
partx-utils - 2.30.2-2
pciutils - 3.5.6-1
ppp - 2.4.7-12
ppp-mod-pppoe - 2.4.7-12
procd - 2018-01-23-653629f1-2
px5g-mbedtls - 4
r8169-firmware - 2017-09-06-a61ac5cf-1
rpcd - 2017-12-07-cfe1e75c-1
rpcd-mod-rrdns - 20170710
rtl8192cu-firmware - 2017-09-06-a61ac5cf-1
terminfo - 6.0-1
ubox - 2018-02-14-128bc35f-1
ubus - 2018-01-16-5bae22eb-1
ubusd - 2018-01-16-5bae22eb-1
uci - 2018-01-01-5beb95da-1
uclient-fetch - 2017-11-02-4b87d831-1
uhttpd - 2017-11-04-a235636a-1
uhttpd-mod-ubus - 2017-11-04-a235636a-1
usbutils - 007-7
usign - 2015-07-04-ef641914-1
wireless-regdb - 2017-10-20-4343d359
wpa-supplicant - 2017-08-24-c2d4f2eb-6
zlib - 1.2.11-2

  • To Test if the System see successful the Dongle enter on console “lsusb” and “lsmod |grep 81”
  • Login on on LAN port via Cable open Admin Website (LUCI) to
  • If Wifi doesnt work then a package is missed like hostapd or wpa-supplicant
  • Kernel will post NO ERRORS on Log if packages are missed !!
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