If you want to update the SSD Firmware of a device you should know some things:
- Do you REALLY need the update? Bugs? If NOT exit here!
- Firmwareupdates can destroy DATA on Drives!
- Data cant be restored if the Controller fails after Update
- Downgrade a Firmware to older is most IMPOSSIBLE!!
.. now you need a USB Stick 4GB and the ISO File of the Firmware Disk of the Manufacter then open the Gnome Terminal or Console and:
$sudo su - #become root $apt-get update && apt-get install unetbootin gparted # install the tools $dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/sdc bs=10240 count=1 # delete usbstick unmounted with zeros (factory reset) $gparted /dev/sdc #create new Primary Partition with FAT32, set "managed flags" to "boot lba", now exit gparted $mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt #mount usbstick to /mnt $unetbootin #select FreeDOS at Menu, and select /dev/sdc1 and create the FreeDOS Stick, then exit unetbootin WITHOUT reboot! $mkdir /iso && mount -o loop /home/yourusername/firmware-cd.iso /iso # mount the CDImage to /iso readonly $cd /iso && cp firmware.img /mnt/firmware.img # copy firmware-data to usbstick
- NOW, reboot and unplug other HDDs of the PC, ONLY the SSD must be insert!
- Boot the PC on the usbstick, on the unetbootin Menu PRESS “Tab” to get the “Unetbootin-Console”!
- Here change the value of “initrd=/ubinit” to “initrd=firmware.img” and PRESS ENTER
- Follow now the Firmware Update Dialog and Reboot with disconnected usbstick and replugged Drives…