Debian Ubuntu Laptop mods for SSD HDD and a full encrypted with luks

Major INFO 06-2015: Do not set tmpfs on ubuntu 15.XX or Systems with systemd!!! This block PC boot !!

If you want to setup a Ubuntu/Debian Laptop with a full encrypted HDD use a “alternate” CD/DVD.
After Setup you have to change some little Parameters to extend the lifecycle of the SSD Chips

  • disable Swap if you have more than 4GB Ram
  • enable a RAMDISK with tmpfs for logs, caches of Browsers
  • install cpufrequtils for CPU freqscaling
  • install laptop-mode-tools to set powersave mode for hardware modules
  • install xbacklight to reduce backlight energy


  • open a Console and change to root user, enter “$sudo -s” and password,
  • now we have to disable swap, edit with $nano /etc/rc.local and insert a “swapoff -a”  before “exit”
  • edit with “$nano /etc/fstab” insert and set “#” at line with older “/tmp” entry  :
    tmpfs  /tmp  tmpfs  nosuid  0  0
    tmpfs /var/run tmpfs nosuid,mode=0755 0 0
    tmpfs /var/lock tmpfs noexec,nosuid,nodev 0 0
    tmpfs /var/log tmpfs noexec,nodev,nosuid 0 0
  • remove /var/tmp and create a symlink “$ln -s /var/tmp /tmp”
  • reboot
  • login as User to Config the Firefox / iceweasel Browser to use the RAMDISK as Cache with “firefox -P” Command
  • delete the default Profile, create new named “ram” and let the Profilemanager create the  new Profile to /tmp
  • restart Firefox / iceaweasel with “-P” option, now all is hold inside the RAMDISK!! (after a reboot all is History and Cookies are deleted!)
  • if you use other applications with CACHE do same with EVERY Applications (read the readme.txt of Apps)

Enjoy the new very secure Internet Laptop with builtin steal protection and secure private permanent browsing!

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