Category: Wordpress

WordPress: RSS Widget Bug builtin Widget (class-wp-widget-rss.php)

Details: If you enable the basic builtin RSS Widget Module and set the RSS Feed URL like the widget set the URL only on the little “RSS Icon” but NOT on the RSS Hyperlink ! The Hyperlink is pulling the Value of $url ( but not adding “/feed/” subdir value. Solution: go ../wp-includes/widgets/ edit with $nano class-wp-widget-rss.php go line 81 show title “rsswidget”  href ” ‘  .  esc_url ( $link ) .  #change here $link to $url exit and save.. check results..

Security: Webserver HTTPS with Self Signed Certificate Do it yourself in 5 Minutes!!

Today the Point of Security and encrypted Webserver Communication is rolling over every User who hosts own Websites on the Internet. Last decades HTTPS was only used by Online Login Pages like Shops and Banks to verify the Communication between a User PC and the Website. But after January 2015 the most Search Engines like google decides to force index of Websites with HTTPS Protocol. The Background is that a TLS encrypted Connection isn’t easy to track and to force “drive-by-load-Viruses” to the Website Visitors. But a lot of Webmasters of the Opensource Community were angry about this handling. Thats […]

WordPress: Change Editor Font Size without Plugins

Problem: If you use wordpress and use a high resolution Screen on your Laptop or Workstation the dehault font size is too small. Solution: Edit with: #sudo nano ../wp-includes/js/tinymce/themes/advanced/skins/wp_theme/content.css change value 13 to 16 or 19 at: body { font: 16px/19px Georgia, "Times New Roman", "Bitstream Charter", Times, serif; margin: 10px; color: #000; }

MySQL : Backup and Restore Database without phpmyadmin (commandline)

Problem: phpmyadmin interfaces are slow and often attacked by script kids, if you can don’t use it! Solution: To backup and restore use command line To Backup a database: $mysqldump -u root -p wordpressdb > /backups/wordpressdb-dump.sql [Enter root password] To restore: $mysql -u root -p wordpressdb < /backups/wordpressdb-dump.sql[Enter root password] Remark: this is not recogized by the ONLINE SYSTEM if users visits you pages to read! There must be no shutdown of the mysql or apache webserver, its a online HOT-Dump. If you like put it into a script and set cron to backup every night. Sample Bash MySQL Script […]

WordPress MySQL: Cleanup old revisions old posts old entrys

Problem: If you use wordpress and edit often your posts a high count of old revisions are backuped inside the mysql database: Solution: Login mysql $mysql -u root -p [Enter root password] at mysql command line select wordpress your database mysql>use wordpressdb; [Enter] System echo=Database changed.. delete old backups of posts mysql>DELETE FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type = "revision"; [Enter] System echo=..Entry affected time.. logout database and revisit pages, if you have made a database backup with mysqldump before and after cleanup you see how much size the database lost (du -h wordpress.sql) often 80% of the size.

WordPress Bug 2.9 “Your attempt to edit this post:”

Problem: After upgrade to Version 2.9 of WordPress on PHP4 Posts are saved as Draft Error: Message = Your attempt to edit this post: Solution: Install Plugin WP CMS Post Control go Settings Post Control Core disable “Autosave”

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