Category: Software Bugs

Ubuntu Upgrade Bug: do-release-upgrade breaks cups wrapper filter files for Brother Laser Printers

If you upgrade ubuntu 18.04 to 22.04 via “do-release-upgrade” and you have installed brother laser printer drivers, the whole “cups” printing system will FAIL on print and log missing “filters” at cups log. The “lp” printer output piped into nirvana! Check at  /usr/lib/cups/filter/ for the filter files Reinstalls cups by deinstall/reinstall with –purge config option Check again  /usr/lib/cups/filter/ Copy all “brto*” missing filter files from other old working PC to  /usr/lib/cups/filter/ Restart PC, cups works now. The Filter files are not inside Brother Driver Packages (deb)! Seen on a Systems with Ubuntu Small/Mini Setup! I will check next days this […]

Bug: virt-manager NO Keyboard input on VM

If you use Debian as Host System for Virtual Servers the “virt-manager” Package is broken! no keymap input no VM Console Control no VT-Switch possible Fix: run sudo virsh edit "vm-name" remove all “spice” display + audio entrys !! open sudo virt-manager go details  and and ADD Display VGA + VGA-Adapter select VNC!! save + exit settings.. reboot VM now you should be able to enter the login commands

Bug: WIFI WICD Network dropped by apparmor randomly

Apparmor prevent by broken Security Profile read Access to Configs of WICD Syslog dmesg Log: apparmor="DENIED" name="/var/lib/wicd/dhclient.conf"…. Solution: sudo nano /etc/apparmor.d/sbin.dhclient add after “/etc/dhcp/** r,”: /var/lib/wicd/dhclient.conf r, to enable access to /var/lib/wicd/dhclient.conf which is able to read updates

Ubuntu Debian MAJOR Bug: WIFI randomly disconnected at 100% Signal no internet

Ubuntu Debian (All Linux OS) Bug: WIFI randomly disconnected at 100% Signal no internet System : ubuntu 18.04 LTS Kernel 5.7 amd64 Router openwrt LAN/WIFI: disabled ipv6 dhcp ! Bug: Wifi lost internet connection randomly on 100% Signal beside the Gateway-Router! Problem: No Error Logs, no Kernel Messages Tested: Replaced Mini-PCI WIFI 5/6 Cards various Brands ATH9/Intel no fix!! Replaces Drivers and Power Off Powermanagement of PCI-WIFI! no fix! Solution: edit /etc/sysctl.conf insert: net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1 net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1 net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6 = 1 Bug Background Info: dhcp6 daemon got a expire time of IP Address but fails to renew the handshake […]

Bug Nautilus slow SMB Performance gvfs-smb

If you use Samba as File Share (NAS) Samba mounts often hang by listing huge amount files like Photos. Known Problem is the gfvs-backend is hanging up on switching between smb protocol (smb1-2-3) versions! Faster is to use the cifs Kernel mount without the gnome-backend communication open Terminal enter: id myusername mkdir /home/myusername/nas/ with known id do: Workaround edit /etc/fstab insert: sudo nano /etc/fstab insert at the end !! //192.168.1XX.XXX/nas /home/myusername/nas cifs file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,username=myusername,password=XXXX,domain=home.local,uid=10XX 0 0 Now over 50MB’s per second should by possible over gigabit cable. If not needed disable Samba Logging!

Nextcloud Owncloud Upgrade Traps

If you use Nextcloud (Owncloud) and you login into the Admin Panel the Updater display you that your Setup is outdated, you MUST handle as follows to PREVENT System Problems: Do FULL-BACKUP the Server Setup before you CHANGE something! Pre-Check Nextcloud Version dependency‘s of PHP-Version and MYSQL Version! Cause Nextcloud offers NO System PRECHECK or Auto-Stop! Login into the Server via SSH Console and go to the /var/www/nextcloud folder. Run: sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/updater/updater.phar Read Upgrade Echos on Console Advantage the Console-Version is mostly faster and more stable than the browser! Relogin as Admin to the Nextcloud Panel! In 99% of Problems the […]

Ubuntu Bug NetworkManager openvpn plugin fails

If you setup Ubuntu 18.04 with openvpn you must install all Network Manager Plugins to run a stable VPN do: sudo apt-get install network-manager-openvpn network-manager-openvpn-gnome network-manager-pptp network-manager-pptp-gnome network-manager network-manager-gnome This fixes dependencies of Plugins to openvpn like pptp and more! The Syslog does not show any informations whats happening! only like this: vpn-connection[ID-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX,”vpn”,34:(tun0)]: VPN plugin: failed: connect-failed (1) seen: 2019/10/31

Major Bug: UFW stopped thru logrotate

On Debian Sid i have seen that ufw service is stopped on logrotate!! Its a bad known bug! Workaround: Set all Services like Dovecot, Postfix to listen on LOCALHOST ( if not needed over Internet Enable ONLY encrypted AUTH (Login) to Postfix! (TLS 1.2) Disable unneeded Services ! like Samba, FTP… move config from /etc/logrotate.d/ufw to /root/ to disable ufw logrotate !! edit /etc/ufw/ufw.conf set LOGLEVEL to “off” restart the Server and check open Ports next Days from outside with: $sudo nmap -PN

Openwrt LEDE ath9k bugs fixed

If you use a TP Link Router like 3600, 4300 or a other brand with ATH9K Chipset you should upgrade to OPENWRT 18.06 with Kernel 4.9 Tested: OpenWrt 18.06.0 r7188-b0b5c64c22 / LuCI openwrt-18.06 branch (git-18.210.69179-6df9a57) – Atheros AR9344 rev 2 cause: more stable less load no ath9k Wifi Lookup on high transfers Same seen on other TP Link Routers like 841 Series, remark last Version 13 not supported Hope that the Freifunk Software will be updated fast! More Information go:

Openmips Enigma2 restart cron Gigablue

If you use a Gigablue SAT Box,after some weeks enigma2 will hang up: edit root crontab: $crontab -e insert: 0 1 * * * killall -9 enigma2 && sleep 5 && init 3 && /etc/init.d/samba restart 5 1 * * * wget -O /dev/null -q "IP-OF-GIGA-Box/web/powerstate?newstate=0&type=0" This will restart enigma2 Service, Samba and Webinterface too! Then Enigma is set to Standby! That kodi can access the TV Bookmarks to view TV over LAN! If Standby is not set Kodi hangs!

Impressum Datenschutz-DSGVO-GDPR

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