Category: Printing

Cups Linux Chrome Chromium Browser fails Color Printing only greyscale

If you use the Google Chrome Browser or Chromium and all Prints over Cups / Cups-PDF or Color Printers are all greyscale there is a known Bug at the Printing Menu of the Browser! This is NOT a Problem with you Cups Printing Setup or Operating System!!! (Alternate you can test your Cups-Printing-System with Firefox here you get color Prints) To fix this you can try to install a other updated PPD Printer Driver which is working with Chrome / Chromium Download here: then open a Browser to http://localhost:631 go to Printers, change the for example Cups-PDF Printer at new […]

Ubuntu Upgrade Bug: do-release-upgrade breaks cups wrapper filter files for Brother Laser Printers

If you upgrade ubuntu 18.04 to 22.04 via “do-release-upgrade” and you have installed brother laser printer drivers, the whole “cups” printing system will FAIL on print and log missing “filters” at cups log. The “lp” printer output piped into nirvana! Check at  /usr/lib/cups/filter/ for the filter files Reinstalls cups by deinstall/reinstall with –purge config option Check again  /usr/lib/cups/filter/ Copy all “brto*” missing filter files from other old working PC to  /usr/lib/cups/filter/ Restart PC, cups works now. The Filter files are not inside Brother Driver Packages (deb)! Seen on a Systems with Ubuntu Small/Mini Setup! I will check next days this […]

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