Category: Openwrt

Setup Openwrt Xiaomi AX3200 BR01 11-2021 Redmi AX6S

Today i got the openwrt Firmware to run on my new xiaomi ax3200 Router, the Problem is that the Default Firmware open a Upload-Channels to “” Many online wiki told that its impossible to flash the BR01 Version after Production Date 09.21 To flash you need a Serial UART to USB Adaptor and 4 Pin-Lab Cables connected to the Mainboard from bottom without open the Case!! Remark: Plug Router-Pin-RX to TX at the UART Adapter and Router TX to RX-UART (Crossover!!!) Voltage + is 3,3 Volts!! not 5Volts!! here some Pictures REMARK the Pins from bottom must be seen MIRRORED!!! […]

Major Tools for your IT Systems

A must “USE” in these insecure days: nmap Portscan Tool use nmap -PN IP-Address to check failed Firewall Settings! arp-scan  Network Scan to find active devices iftop to detect traffic and used Ports on a physical network Interface! ps aux  show active processes on a Linux System htop more human friendly Process Monitor iotop human friendly traffic monitor from CPU/RAM to Drives Daily check Error Logs! Use always Firewalls and Disk/File Encryption! Don’t trust Hardware Protection (TPM) Chips most do communicate by clean signals on copper which can be read out by hardware hacking or magnetic fields! NEVER leave Hardware […]

Script DNS Blocker DNSMASQ

If you tested pihole, you perhaps look for a smaller Command Line version? Install dnsmasq by: sudo apt-get install dnsmasq Here DNS Rule Injector Script (copy & paste): # 2019 # DNS Blocker for Small Linux with dnsmasq # #!/bin/bash # goto tmp (tmpfs) cd /tmp/ # get URL-Blocklists wget -O blocklist.txt # get Templates #SET Variables txt='blocklist.txt' IP='' # set to or to a Webserver with "white Page" showing Text "URL-blocked!! #merge URLs and redirect to wanted IP – Rule creation n=1; while read line; do echo 'address=/'$line'/$IP '>> 02-blocked1.conf ; n=$((n+1)); done < $txt […]

Openwrt LEDE ath9k bugs fixed

If you use a TP Link Router like 3600, 4300 or a other brand with ATH9K Chipset you should upgrade to OPENWRT 18.06 with Kernel 4.9 Tested: OpenWrt 18.06.0 r7188-b0b5c64c22 / LuCI openwrt-18.06 branch (git-18.210.69179-6df9a57) – Atheros AR9344 rev 2 cause: more stable less load no ath9k Wifi Lookup on high transfers Same seen on other TP Link Routers like 841 Series, remark last Version 13 not supported Hope that the Freifunk Software will be updated fast! More Information go:

Openwrt dmesg human timestamp

To viel on busybox dmesg with human readable time for debug do: $vi /root/ insert: base=$(cut -d '.' -f1 /proc/uptime); seconds=$(date +%s); dmesg | sed 's/\]//;s/\[//;s/\([^.]\)\.\([^ ]*\)\(.*\)/\1\n\3/' | while read first; do read second; first=`date +"%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S" –date="@$(($seconds – $base + $first))"`; printf "[%s] %s\n" "$first" "$second"; done exit 0 run it sh System Echo: … [16/03/2018 14:55:18] br-lan: port 3(wlan1) entered blocking state [16/03/2018 14:55:18] br-lan: port 3(wlan1) entered disabled state [16/03/2018 14:55:18] device wlan1 entered promiscuous mode [16/03/2018 14:55:18] br-lan: port 3(wlan1) entered blocking state [16/03/2018 14:55:18] br-lan: port 3(wlan1) entered forwarding state [16/03/2018 14:55:19] br-lan: port […]


Test Setup Futro S500 with USB Wifi Dongle Realtek RTL8192CU PCI Riser Card with Realtek Gigabit LEDE 17.XX Trunk Kernel 4.14 Download latest Version from select x86/64 extract the compressed image (*ext4*img.gz) and dump it with “dd” to CF-Card 1GB Sample for Clean Setup like TP-Link Router Firmware: You need to install this packages by “opkg update && opkg install package name && reboot”: base-files – 184-r6198-ba5f700 busybox – 1.27.2-3 dnsmasq – 2.79rc1-1 dropbear – 2017.75-5 e2fsprogs – 1.43.7-1 firewall – 2017-11-07-c4309372-2 fstools – 2018-02-11-3d239815-1 fwtool – 1 hostapd – 2017-08-24-c2d4f2eb-6 hostapd-common – 2017-08-24-c2d4f2eb-6 hostapd-utils – 2017-08-24-c2d4f2eb-6 iftop – […]

Freifunk: Openwrt Router Setup Mesh Wifi Meshing

Many of Users have asked me what are the Advantages of using Freifunk WIFI Routers at Home? One of  my answer’s is that the Freifunk OS Openwrt SUPPORT the “MESH” Technology! This is mostly offered by high end WIFI Accesspoint’s or Industrial Devices. Mesh is a Communication Protocol where minimum 2 Devices handle WIFI Access Connections to a WIFI Endpoint (Client, like a Tablet) There are 3 supported “Mesh” Types: Mesh connects between LAN Ports Mesh connects between WAN Ports Mesh connects between WIFI (default) Here you see a Mesh Map of a Mesh Network (Public Admin Webpage Meshviewer): Advantage […]

Freifunk: Setup Router Software Bugfix

If you want to share Public Wifi at home for friends and you don’t want to share the Wifi Password, you can setup cheap a Public Openwrt Wifi Router as Access Point. Advantages: Public Setup needs no Wifi Password You are not responsible, cause the Internet is pulled thru a VPN of Freifunk Network It’s anonymous! It’s free of Charge! Supported by a big Community Can installed on very cheap old Routers like the TP-Link 841 (find the Singleband Router on Amaz or EbXX 12$ or Powerfull Dualband Router TP Link C7 at 50$) Can by used at EVERY Freifunk […]

Security: Harden DSL Routers and Networks against attacks

Last days there was a high count of news about the Bot Attacks against T-Com Telekom Router devices. To understand the behavior about this up comming security problems you should know following points : Every network supported device can be a goal for a attack ( Routers, Modems, PC, Fridges,IP-TV, IP Switches, IP-Cams…) You have to update the OS for each device monthly, if not supported by the manufacter, then dont buy! Try to get Opensource Hardware with Opensource Software for full access (ssh / console) to have full control Reduce the count of devices who are connected direct to […]

Openwrt : Openwrt 15.XX loses settings if the ROM Root Filesystem is full

On openwrt 15.XX i have seen if you installed additional Sofware via opkg and the /overlay path is nearby full you can’t save any settings via Luci Webinterface (blue Info box right upper corner) or the Router reboots hard automatic into failsave mode (lost all settings / factory reset) Workaround: You can install a external usb stick on most routers and move the “/overlay” folder to it You should always Download the “backup-settings.tgz” from Software Menu to get the Router easy  and fast online again on last working state. If the rootfs (root filesystem and overlay path) is nearby full, […]

Openwrt: Turn older Router into Wifi Accesspoint Repeater Extender Solar Powered

At the Summer Time you need perhaps a Wifi Extender for your Garden?? Solution: TP Link 841/N (low power/Battery 9V/Solar /Type-N-allows external planar Antennas!!), 3600+4300 (USB-NAS/CIFS/SFTP/Classroom Library with USB Strorage) Openwrt 15.XX Calmer as OS with Firewall, Webinterface and REALTIME Monitor for Traffic and Connections! Easy Setup, replace the OS by the TP-Link-Updater, reboot and Login to Openwrt You got professional Options! works as Firewall, Extender, Repeater, WIFI-to-WIFI Bridge, LAN-to-WIFI Bridge, NTP-Server, DNS/DHCP Server can isolate connected WIFI Clients can handle different WIFI SSIDs / Networks on same Hardware modded Hardware can be used with 5Volts of Power! (841 removed Resistor) […]

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