Category: Linux News

Ubuntu 16.04 Compiz Hang Kernel

After Ubuntu published the latest Kernel Patches for Meltdown and Spectre the Kernel 4.4.0-104/109-generic let Intel Graphics freeze or hang on Compiz with Unity. Howto fix: Install the latest Kernel 4.4.0-112-generic do: sudo apt-get install linux-image-4.4.0-112-generic sudo apt-get install linux-image-extra-4.4.0-112-generic reboot then: sudo apt-get autoremove –purge -y This removes older kernels and save Space! Do test the PC for hanging again!!!

Meltdown Spectre VM Hosting

Thru current IT News you may have heard about the major Security Problem of x86 Technology. If your Websites current hosted on VM at VM Providers, contact them to get current news about their bug handling of their VM Host Servers. If you get no details, then shutdown your sites temporarily, or look for a other solution which isn’t running on x86 Technology. Otherwise you can try to switch from php-kits to static HTML Websites. On the Net there are very helpful tools to do this easy. For WordPress is a WP to HTML Plugin available. This dumps your blog […]

Google Webmaster Tools Twitter

Last Time i tried  to integrate a Twitter Timeline into my blog but i found out that this ranked down my blog on Google Webmaster Tools cause Twitter sub connected Servers blocking Google Webmaster Bot from reading the timeline by own robots.txt so i stopped using Twitter Integration to fix.  No Webmaster want show non indexed Informations  and went back to the time of  stones.. Twitter fails..

Surf Browser Slim Twitter Timeline on Desktop

If you search for a slim twitter client on desktops try the small “surf” browser install with: sudo apt-get install surf and use surf Now you have a slim and clean Twitter Timeline like on Tablets, it can be resized to Banner or Fullscreen.

Locale Umloud Problems Cron

If you run scripts to handle text output by cronjobs your perhaps get problems with umlouds “ÖÄÜ” cause they are displayed by “**”. This is a problem cause cron uses “C” setting as locale, you can test it by setting it into root crontab: open crontab from root with: $su – root $crontab – insert * * * * * locale This will mail cron’s locale echo to the mailbox of root! Read root’s mail! After tests remove the locale entry at crontab! Howto fix for Scripts: open crontab from root with: $su – root $crontab -e insert (for German): […]

Social Media Wasted Lifetime

.. most of current sites reading is #wasted #lifetime, especially #facebook, #twitter #instagram .. thru open APIs filled by robots scripts with trash or fake news. Thats a real Problem for Governments to break thru and inform the people with goods.

HTML5 Media autoplay Backdoor

If you use current Browsers like Firefox you should test icecat as hardened replacement to stop automatic execution of codes free Download incl Addons:

Postfix: Automatic UFW Firewall Updates

If you use a Mail Server with Postfix you got daily Spam Attacks by Scripts: How to fix? Install ufw Firewall Run a Scanner Script as  cronjob On Debian/Ubuntu: Install ufw: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ufw && sudo ufw enable && sudo  ufw logging off Scan Script: sudo nano /home/user/ #!/bin/bash # scan rejected cat /var/log/mail.log | grep rejected | cut -d"[" -f3 | cut -d"]" -f1|grep -v '^$' > /tmp/firewall.txt # insert to Firewall while read line; do sudo ufw insert 1 deny from $line to any; done < /tmp/firewall.txt # scan "denied" cat /var/log/mail.log | […]

Debian: without sytemd

If you run Debian Servers, you read last weeks about security problems of systemd service manager. On several tests i have seen much systems having problems on service starts on boot like on debian, raspian .. This is a result of not clean redesigned scripts of the services by the Maintainers like the Proxy Server “privoxy” Package… For Tests i decided to try the new Debian Fork Replacement DEVUAN  for Desktop and a standard Debian Server Setup without systemd! Howto purge Systemd on a Debian System read this external Wiki: or try Devuan for Server and Desktop: Remark: […]

Linux: Systemd ignore console-setup settings

If you work on older Laptops and you use a Console only System Setup like on Debian there is a Bug on systemd and the console-setup package since years. After reboot all Font Settings seems gone. But the Settings are not real gone, cause systemd does not pull the settings on boot! How to fix? edit the crontab of root by sudo su – crontab -e insert the /bin/setupcon command on “@reboot” means on every boot! @reboot     /bin/setupcon > /dev/null 2>&1 save and exit, reboot now now the PC should echo big Fonts for old eyes “Terminus 20×12 Frambuffermode”  

Fire TV Stick: Export Audio to external Speakers

If you use a Amazon Fire TV Stick you perhaps want to replace TV Speakers with a Audio System. To get a 3,5mm Audio Stereo Signal you can take a Ligawo HDMI to DVI Box. It splits the 2.1 Stereo Audio Signal from digital to 2.1 Analog Signal. You can plugin: Headphones use at Office  Active Speaker Audio Systems 2.1 Recorder (for Music Records of Live Concerts) Laptop to record with free Suite called Audacity free Download for Win+Linux

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