Category: Linux News

Bug: AVM Router Repeater Mesh Stream Problems

Since latest Updates of AVM Router Firmware the Devices are sold with MESH Option but this FAILS! Background: Mesh should handle the best Connect between Router + Repeater and used Devices Mesh Service produces own Communication Traffic which is added to your default WIFI TRAFFIC! The Repeaters do NOT offer 3 or 4 seperated WIFI NICs for handling the Traffic If you buy new Repeaters look that they have minimum 4 Channels (2,4+5GHZ to Router and 2,4+5GHZ to the Devices like TV,Laptop and more.. If you have LAN Cables next to the Repeaters, you should prefer at the Repeater LAN-to-WIFI […]

Script DNS Blocker DNSMASQ

If you tested pihole, you perhaps look for a smaller Command Line version? Install dnsmasq by: sudo apt-get install dnsmasq Here DNS Rule Injector Script (copy & paste): # 2019 # DNS Blocker for Small Linux with dnsmasq # #!/bin/bash # goto tmp (tmpfs) cd /tmp/ # get URL-Blocklists wget -O blocklist.txt # get Templates #SET Variables txt='blocklist.txt' IP='' # set to or to a Webserver with "white Page" showing Text "URL-blocked!! #merge URLs and redirect to wanted IP – Rule creation n=1; while read line; do echo 'address=/'$line'/$IP '>> 02-blocked1.conf ; n=$((n+1)); done < $txt […]

Briar decentralized Peer to Peer Messenger

If you have used Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger, Telegram etc. last time and other Messenger, you perhaps now looking for a more secure Messenger, thats the point to Test Briar Messenger a Peer to Peer Messenger which uses NO SERVER as INTERFACE ! Source: Download-APK ..kick your old Messenger  from the Phone !!  

Pihole DNS Adblocker

If you have outdated PC’s you can give them a Second Life as DNS Adblocker!   You can get the free Software Package at Don’t buy high priced preinstalled devices on NET cause a lot of the Resellers DONT DONATE the pi-hole Developers Group!!! Advantages: Less Homecalls of all Devices at your Home, like TV’s, Tablets, Phones and more Less Advertisement by Internet Browsing Less Fingerprints on Internet Faster Website Access Live Logview by “pihole -t” shows the Spy’s of your Network Reduce Network Load of all Wifi Routers an Repeaters (MESH LOAD) Reduce Heat and Power Consumption of […]

mj12bot hammer mediawiki

Here some IP’s of some Botnet Servers of the Botnet ignores robots.txt and hammers on Mediawiki’s! A sorted output of a Log done with :   cat /var/log/apache2/other*.log|grep MJ | awk '{ print $2 }' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n Output for ufw Firewalls: If this doesn’t help the use “Apache AUTH Basic” to block unwanted access!! It’s easy to setup.

Social Bots the Business Killer

If you have  a small Company and you want to raise up your Startup Business you often asked to buy Support by Developers (eMail) or Big Data Companies (goo, fb .. etc.) to use their Marketing Tools like Social Bots, automated Scripts and more.. But take care this can be your Business Killer cause: Trust is lost if Bots are recognized by the Users too much Ads or Trash Posts forces Humans to leave if trust is gone the Users logoff from current Social Media Channel, for example “fb” loses much Users last time and was enforced to integrate new […]

Convert WordPress Blog into Static Websites

For some reasons you want to convert your WordPress with Linux Tools into a Static Website: low level Hosting no SQL + PHP for higher Security Then open a Terminal and enter into a Text Editor: nano #!/bin/bash wget \ –recursive \ –no-clobber \ –page-requisites \ –html-extension \ –convert-links \ –restrict-file-names=windows $url-of-site exit 0 Advantage? wget runs on most WP-Themes low Load on the convert Process Script can be used to run by Cron automaticly every Night !

Website Speed Test with Linux

If you own a Blog and want to check the Speed with your local Linux Computer use a commandline tool called curl. Open a Terminal and enter:   curl -o /dev/null -s -w 'Connect: %{time_connect}\nStart Transfer: %{time_starttransfer}\nTotal: %{time_total}\n' System Echos: Connect: 0,084774 Start Transfer: 0,173280 Total: 0,228651 Advantage? You will see the Website Load Time of Users at your Location (Country Area) You can check “high performance Clouds” vs. “bare metal Servers” or “virtual Hosting” You see that mostly expensive Hosting is wasted money cause “shared” IO V-Host is SLOWER! You get the real “felt” IO for Users who […]

WordPress Speed Test Optimization

If you use WordPress and you want to get better results on search engines and  social media checkout: Load Speed at Google free Speed Analyser for Developer Reduce and Control the Plugins Reduce and Control Images at Content and Image Sizes 50-100 kb Limits Use latest PHP Version if possible 7.3 Use cached MySQL if available Result: If green your Job is done well.. cause old rule, LESS is often MORE  

5G Mobile Network opens Pandora’s Box

5G will it make possible to attack mobile Devices and Cars 10 times faster Users will not recognize attacks or uploaded data the wider data bandwith will it make possible to attack much more efficient Remark: checkout if you really need this mobile network, cause slower is sometime safer against automated tools slower mobile network is cheaper disable mobile data if not neeeded to stay hidden and offline, calls option is still working

FastGlacier Client on Linux AWS Cloud Backup

If you are a Newbie on AWS Glacier Cloud Backup you want to use a simple Backup Uploader you can use FastGlacier inside Wine! Major Info: Glacier puts only Files up to 4GB size, split 50GB Tar/Zip Files to 4GB!! Setup AWS free Account !! Go to IAM create User, set User Role to Glacier full access Write down User and Password key at IAM now go right to you loved Cloud Area like Frankfurt or Asia Setup new vault, logout.. install wine install winetricks dotnet40 Framework install FastGlacier have fun.. sudo apt-get install wine sudo apt-get install winetricks Run […]

Amazon AWS Howtos

Here some Bookmarks if you want to try Amazon AWS Cloud Services like S3 (Cloud File Storage), EC2 (VM Instances..) Howtos / Basics : Remark: AWS Services mostly priced by data transfers and online time! Checkout daily “Billing Monitor” ! Amazon AWS: Remark: S3 is the Standard Cloud Storage, cheaper is S3-IA or long term Backups use “Glacier” where you first upload files to S3 and set a “Rule” on a “Bucket” move files to Glacier Long Term Backup! Amazon Admin Console: Security: Howto Create ENCRYPTED Containers for AWS on Linux? Klick At the End.. don’t forget […]

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Last Update 08.10.2023 - Nonprofit Linux PC & Server Support since 2004 Tags: Linux Online Help, Linuxonlinehelp, Linux Support, Linux Hilfe