If you hold a website and use SSL/HTTPS with Certificates theres is often the question should i block Port 80? The most Admins think after the Major Changes of the Browsers to pull first HTTPS Port 443 they can close the HTTP Port 80. But you should NOT do it! Why? most Bots scan at first Port 80 for Content or for Listening Web Servers. More Details: https://letsencrypt.org/de/docs/allow-port-80/
Category: Howto
Startup Blogging? Useful to know
..if you like to startup blogging or hosting a Website at Europe: you should read this first!! https://stylepeacock.com/dsgvo-fuer-blogger/ https://stylepeacock.com/abmahnung-bloggertipp/ https://www.ihk-muenchen.de/de/Service/Recht-und-Steuern/Datenschutz/ https://www.ihk-muenchen.de/de/Service/Recht-und-Steuern/Datenschutz/Die-EU-Datenschutz-Grundverordnung/Fallbeispiel/ https://www.ihk-muenchen.de/de/Service/Recht-und-Steuern/Internetrecht/ if i find more on i publish more useful links
Howto: Create qrcode image command line
If you need digital bookmarks to share as Pic on social media do: Install qrencode : sudo apt-get install qrencode then as user: qrencode -o qrcode.png 'www.linuxonlinehelp.eu My Blog' Result:
Bug: WIFI WICD Network dropped by apparmor randomly
Apparmor prevent by broken Security Profile read Access to Configs of WICD Syslog dmesg Log: apparmor="DENIED" name="/var/lib/wicd/dhclient.conf"…. Solution: sudo nano /etc/apparmor.d/sbin.dhclient add after “/etc/dhcp/** r,”: /var/lib/wicd/dhclient.conf r, to enable access to /var/lib/wicd/dhclient.conf which is able to read updates
Reuse OLD PCs for IPFS File Cloud Blockchain
What is IPFS = Internet Planetary File System (peer-to peer) ? It’s a decentral sharing Ecosystem for Files on Blockchain Technology Warning it is NOT anonymous! The ipfs command offers display commands to follow back the hosting & mirroring IP’s! Why is it a current Hype? Cause it offers many Solutions for saving files into the IPFS Blockchain Cloud with unchangeable Fingerprints by Blockchain Hashes. A Folder gets a fixed Hash Key on Uploading Data for Example: Linuxblog on IPFS worldwide accessible by: https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmXuqCg7cmX9oxyX1LgWhu22TrHXxoKczL4ff8yJoxnwSG where the first part is the Data Gateway this can be changed to other public Gateways like: […]
Ubuntu Debian MAJOR Bug: WIFI randomly disconnected at 100% Signal no internet
Ubuntu Debian (All Linux OS) Bug: WIFI randomly disconnected at 100% Signal no internet System : ubuntu 18.04 LTS Kernel 5.7 amd64 Router openwrt LAN/WIFI: disabled ipv6 dhcp ! Bug: Wifi lost internet connection randomly on 100% Signal beside the Gateway-Router! Problem: No Error Logs, no Kernel Messages Tested: Replaced Mini-PCI WIFI 5/6 Cards various Brands ATH9/Intel no fix!! Replaces Drivers and Power Off Powermanagement of PCI-WIFI! no fix! Solution: edit /etc/sysctl.conf insert: net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1 net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1 net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6 = 1 Bug Background Info: dhcp6 daemon got a expire time of IP Address but fails to renew the handshake […]
Debian Ubuntu: CEWE Fotobuch installieren unter 64bit Linux
Problem: Cewe Fotobuch Software wurde für 32bit Linux geschrieben lässt sich daher nach der Installation wegen fehlender Libraries nicht starten. Lösung: Download der Software von http://www.cewe-fotobuch.de/download/ Konsole öffnen (ähnlich Windows Dos Fenster – keine Mausgesteuerte Installation) die Datei Namens setup_Mein_CEWE_Fotobuch.tgz nach /tmp kopieren entpacken des Archives (.tgz) starten des Perlscripts nachträgliche Installation der 32bit Framedateien (Libraries) Copy&Paste: sudo cp setup_Mein_CEWE_Fotobuch.tgz /tmp sudo tar -xvzf setup_Mein_CEWE_Fotobuch.tgz sudo ./install.pl sudo apt-get install ia32-libs-gtk sudo apt-get install ia32-libs lib32gomp1 Unter Suse Linux 64bit sollte das gleiche Problem bestehen, hier mit Yast die 32bit Libraries suchen und installieren. ..und klappt.. Update 2023: Die Software […]
Firestick VPN disable GEOBLOCKING Android
In Europe most DSL Routers don’t support VPN/OPENVPN by default this a Workaround without hacking any Firmware or Chrooting ! What you need: openvpn.apk Client client.ovpn Config File Linux PC with adb tools, Ubuntu Live CD works also without Install! AWS or other vServer on the Cloud outside EU (i testet AWS-Lightsail for free!) 15Mins Time.. If you want stream GEO Blocked Content like News/TV Pages do: on fireOS enable “adb” debugging if not found go Settings about and TAP 7x on “About in Device Info” to unhide DEVELOPER MODE! download openvpn client 3.2.1 apk (use for Android 4.4.4 Version […]
Apache2 evasive Problems with WordPress
If you use Apache2 / Apache24 and anti-hammering tools like the Modul evasive and security2 as addon fail2ban than you can fail blogging. Problems: Apache2 Module “evasive” must be fine tuned for WordPress go /etc/apache2/ if you use default enabled auto-safe drafts of posts can let you look like a Attacker so disable auto save by wp-config set “define(‘AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL’, 86400);” !! on small systems redis and other cache technics can generate too additional hidden “posts” traffic to the Apache2 & SQL checkout the system by disable all security addons and fine tune settings, if ok enable them again.. try wordpress […]
Apache2 evasive Problems with WordPress
If you use Apache2 / Apache24 and anti-hammering tools like the Modul evasive and security2 as addon fail2ban than you can fail blogging. Problems: Apache2 Module “evasive” must be fine tuned for WordPress go /etc/apache2/ if you use default enabled auto-safe drafts of posts can let you look like a Attacker so disable auto save by wp-config set “define(‘AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL’, 86400);” !! on small systems redis and other cache technics can generate too additional hidden “posts” traffic to the Apache2 & SQL checkout the system by disable all security addons and fine tune settings, if ok enable them again.. try wordpress […]
Major Tools for your IT Systems
A must “USE” in these insecure days: nmap Portscan Tool use nmap -PN IP-Address to check failed Firewall Settings! arp-scan Network Scan to find active devices iftop to detect traffic and used Ports on a physical network Interface! ps aux show active processes on a Linux System htop more human friendly Process Monitor iotop human friendly traffic monitor from CPU/RAM to Drives Daily check Error Logs! Use always Firewalls and Disk/File Encryption! Don’t trust Hardware Protection (TPM) Chips most do communicate by clean signals on copper which can be read out by hardware hacking or magnetic fields! NEVER leave Hardware […]
Stop using Twitter …
Today i closed my Twitter Timeline cause: i don’t see any advantages of this Social Media Tool too much ads posted in my timeline too much commercial waste posted in my timeline no Filter for “Area Europe” available only Worldwide and Germany too much politics trash posted .. be independet from commercial social media tools take back control of data I dont close the Account why? Howto?? hold the Twitter name leave a backlink to my Homepage can go back if Twitter do major changes can upload a Header Image like.. here.. Set the Timeline to “private” at Profile […]
Bug Nautilus slow SMB Performance gvfs-smb
If you use Samba as File Share (NAS) Samba mounts often hang by listing huge amount files like Photos. Known Problem is the gfvs-backend is hanging up on switching between smb protocol (smb1-2-3) versions! Faster is to use the cifs Kernel mount without the gnome-backend communication open Terminal enter: id myusername mkdir /home/myusername/nas/ with known id do: Workaround edit /etc/fstab insert: sudo nano /etc/fstab insert at the end !! //192.168.1XX.XXX/nas /home/myusername/nas cifs file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,username=myusername,password=XXXX,domain=home.local,uid=10XX 0 0 Now over 50MB’s per second should by possible over gigabit cable. If not needed disable Samba Logging!
Redis Monitoring command line
Open a Console to checkout the IO of the REDIS Socket on Ubuntu Linux do: redis-cli -s /var/run/redis/redis-server.sock at the Prompt enter “MONITOR” ! redis /var/run/redis/redis-server.sock > MONITOR Lines run should be seen.. like 1643798561.129268 [0 unix:/var/run/redis/redis-server.sock] "EXPIRE" "98f4dfa05f67a630e9a828ad8a7c30d9/lockfiles/5cd93670745f7ff4ef4b456cc9c8b126" "3600" 1643798561.130843 [0 unix:/var/run/redis/redis-server.sock] "INCRBY" "98f4dfa05f67a630e9a828ad8a7c30d9/lockfiles/262023e9d503ea4158010bfebc4124bd" "1" 1643798561.131158 [0 unix:/var/run/redis/redis-server.sock] "EXPIRE" "98f4dfa05f67a630e9a828ad8a7c30d9/lockfiles/262023e9d503ea4158010bfebc4124bd" "3600" 1643798561.132725 [0 unix:/var/run/redis/redis-server.sock] "INCRBY" "98f4dfa05f67a630e9a828ad8a7c30d9/lockfiles/84b5072ee7801482b6bf7d661003df87" "1" 1643798561.133044 [0 unix:/var/run/redis/redis-server.sock] "EXPIRE" "98f4dfa05f67a630e9a828ad8a7c30d9/lockfiles/84b5072ee7801482b6bf7d661003df87" "3600" 1643798561.138752 [0 unix:/var/run/redis/redis-server.sock] "WATCH" "98f4dfa05f67a630e9a828ad8a7c30d9/lockfiles/84b5072ee7801482b6bf7d661003df87" 1643798561.139097 [0 unix:/var/run/redis/redis-server.sock] "GET" "98f4dfa05f67a630e9a828ad8a7c30d9/lockfiles/84b5072ee7801482b6bf7d661003df87"
WordPress Cleanup Speedup Source Code
Remove all Emoji Code at the Header which is always pulled! (Homecall) go to your themes folder and add last area at functions.php: remove_action('wp_head', 'print_emoji_detection_script', 7); remove_action('wp_print_styles', 'print_emoji_styles'); remove_action( 'admin_print_scripts', 'print_emoji_detection_script' ); remove_action( 'admin_print_styles', 'print_emoji_styles' );