Category: Cleanup

Linux: Raise Security Level by removing Software

If you use Linux you should monthly check which Software you haven’t used last weeks. Background: Every additional Software put Load on your PC Every additional Software uses libraries which can be affected by zero day exploits The Developers doesn’t know all bugs of their dependencies Third parity Software parts like “Github” or “PPA-Sources” they can be a security hole, by confusing Developers! If a Projekt is closed, remove unneeded Software to reduces the count of securitry holes! Run Cleanups after uninstall to purge changed Configs read here

WordPress Cleanup Speedup Source Code

Remove all Emoji Code at the Header which is always pulled! (Homecall) go to your themes folder and add last area at functions.php: remove_action('wp_head', 'print_emoji_detection_script', 7); remove_action('wp_print_styles', 'print_emoji_styles'); remove_action( 'admin_print_scripts', 'print_emoji_detection_script' ); remove_action( 'admin_print_styles', 'print_emoji_styles' );

Android Cleanup NonRoot

If you use a Android Phone you should cleanup by Reset every 6 Month: Remove of Background Apps Remove blown up Updates Remove unused Apps Disable unused Apps preinstalled Raise Security Raise Privacy Reduce burned Bandwith from App Homecalls Use Siteload to reinstall LESS Apps Use Browser against Apps ! Reduce Backlinks of Apps to Cloud Remove Google Account Reset Advertisment-ID at Google Settings Reset Phone Settings, often useful! Disable Mobile Net+Wifi Access to unused preinstalled Apps! Control Homecalls by connect to a OpenWRT Router with iftop! Increase Battery runtime. Remove E-Mail, Social-Media Apps against Viruses over Chat and Mails […]

Debian Ubuntu: Delete Packages which are marked as “rc”

Problem: If you up/downgrade a Debian most of unneeded files are always on your disk Solution: To check: $sudo dpkg -l | more To cleanup: dpkg –list |grep "^rc" | cut -d " " -f 3 | xargs sudo dpkg –purge If you like run the command twice cause sometimes deps are new taken or install deporphan to: $sudo deborphan | xargs sudo apt-get -y remove –purge If you like run the command twice cause sometimes deps are new taken

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