Category: Backup

Seafile Photo Cloud Server Problems (must KNOW)

If you plan to setup a small private Photo Cloud Server and you try to setup “Seafile Community Edition” there are some MAJOR Points (disadvantages) to know: Seafile Community Edition has limited Functions (5 Users) The Photo Files saved on “Data Blocks Files” like on “IPFS” with hash Keys as Names You need a MYSQL Database, MAJOR if broken by Updates all Photos lost! Seafile is based on Python Framework Software if any SPECIAL needed Python-Module is broken by a Update your Photos lost! I have tested many Setups, the big OS-RELEASE Changes often a big Trap cause broken Dependencies […]

Split Files on embedded Linux Systems

If you run a embedded Linux PC like raspi often some Linux Commands fail without error messages, cause the hardware performance is low tech. Same i have seen on the split command.. to split a 50GB Photos-Archive File to 4Gb on a USB Drive i found out that: sudo split -b 4096m -d -u Photos.tgz Photos-Archive_ fix the job.. Cause option -u disable IO-Caching over the 2.0 USB Port to the RAM of the raspi that the Data of the Output Stream is written direct to the Drive.

FastGlacier Client on Linux AWS Cloud Backup

If you are a Newbie on AWS Glacier Cloud Backup you want to use a simple Backup Uploader you can use FastGlacier inside Wine! Major Info: Glacier puts only Files up to 4GB size, split 50GB Tar/Zip Files to 4GB!! Setup AWS free Account !! Go to IAM create User, set User Role to Glacier full access Write down User and Password key at IAM now go right to you loved Cloud Area like Frankfurt or Asia Setup new vault, logout.. install wine install winetricks dotnet40 Framework install FastGlacier have fun.. sudo apt-get install wine sudo apt-get install winetricks Run […]

Backup daily WordPress Drupal Script

If you use Drupal or WordPress and you have a virtual Server with SSH Login you should set up a daily Backup Script to have a Snapshot of your Blogs if Hackers insert SQL Code Injections or hack PHP Sites. Cause you cant NEVER know every EXPLOIT of every used Plugin (here less plugins is more!) Of course you can daily or hourly RESTORE AUTOMATIC by CRON your Blogs by OVERWRITE bad inserted STUFF! Howto? Article comming soon !!  .. sorry have current not enough time..   or read my Wiki for MYSQL and WordPress Help! Daily or hourly restored […]

MediaWiki: Purge All Users hold Page Content

If you use MediaWiki to hold your Infos, you perhaps want to Mirror the wiki to other Locations or drop all Users but hold the Content? You can do it with onboard tools: On the Source: Login into the Console of the Webserver go to /webspace/wiki/maintenance run here: php  dumpBackup.php –full > backup.xml tar or rsync the image folder to destination Webspace copy backup.xml to the destination Webspace if you not have done, install MediaWiki new on the destination go to the /webspace/wikinew/maintenance paste backup.xml here restore the backup: php importDump.php backup.xml run rebuild Database: php rebuildrecentchanges.php cleanup Caches: php […]

PDF/A: Setup Linux CUPS to Print Archive PDF/A

If you have a Office and you have to archive Documents and Prints over Years you should have heard that there is a special PDF Type called PDF/A which is set as default Archiving PDF File Type for decades. To use it you can use the Linux Print Server called CUPS to translate all digital Prints to PDF/A. This free Software Printer is known on all Linux Releases, and he can listen on USB and Network Interfaces on Documents. Also you can use Network Printers/Scanners like the Brother MFC-Series to Scan Documents and later to print them virtual as PDF/A […]

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