Android: Amazon Fire TV replace App Starter

If you have a Amazon Fire TV Stick and you was touched by the “forced” Firmware Update from to later.

You will see now a full blown Advertisement Screen on Start which plays Advertisements Videos on Scroll down Button (Ads Video Autostart with Tone)

The “New Amazon Bloatware” Menu:

fire tv menu 2017

Appstarter CLEAN Menu:


  • Connect the Fire TV Stick to the TV and boot the Stick
  • Check Wifi
  • Go to Stick System Settings, check out IP Address of the Stick 192.168.XXX.XXX
  • Enable ADB Development Access at System Settings of the Stick, need some search
  • Enable ADB Install (Siteload) at the System Settings of the Stick
  • Download the Fire TV Appstarter.apk (feel free to donate the Developer!)
  • Start a PC with installed free Android “adb Tools” (perhaps ubuntu where adb-tools is at the Software Catalog)
  • The PC MUST be on the same NETWORK AREA! Cause connect thru port UDP 5037 and 5555
  • Connect to the Stick via Adb Tools with enter:

adb devices "ipaddressofstick" 
adb connect "ipaddressofstick"

Linux Console Echos:
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
connected to 192.168.1XX.XXX:5555

adb install Appstarter.apk
adb disconnect

  • Goto Apps Area on the Stick System Settings Menu! Start the “Appstarter” by open from the Settings List!

Screen should now view this CLEAN MENU!

clean fire tv app starter alternative



  • The App isn’t installed with root rights so you must start the Appstarter on every power on of the Stick.
  • But you don’t need to power off the Stick he needs less than 1Watt/hour!
  • If you buy again this Media Stick search for Alternate Hardware! Cause you can’t purge the Bloatware as “non root”
  • Prefer Devices whrere Updates are NOT forced by the Manufacter..
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