WordPress: Get URL of all Posts

On a lot of  Blogs, Forum and Howto Pages i have read the Question: “How to get the URL of all WordPress Posts?”

If you dont want to use a external Plugin which can be a Security Hole in the CMS you can fix it with a small Workaround:

  • Login into WordPress as Blog Admin
  • Create a New cenral Categorie like “Howtos”
  • Now go to the Posts Page where all Content Pages can be seen as list
  • Here SELECT ALL and do Bulk Action “ADD” to the new Categorie “howto”

that’s it.. now all Posts listet like.. https://www.linuxonlinehelp.eu/category/howto/

wordpress url of all posts blogroll
wordpress url of all posts blogroll


  • If you create new posts, then do always add them to the Categorie “howto”
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