WordPress: Prevent Copyright Violation

If you are a Hobby Blogger like me, you should ALWAYS take Snapshots for your Blog with your OWN Camera!

For “non professional” use you can take the cheapest Camera or reuse old Smartphones of the Family.
Resolution at VGA Mode (640×480/800×600 less 250kb) is more enough than you need.
Faster you can’t save or earn Money, a Camera Snapshot needs less a second..

Don’t DO Rules:

  • Don’t download and share Images from public sites
  • Don’t take Snapshots on public Sites with a Snapshot Tool like gnome-screenshot
  • Don’t take Parts of Images from public sites
  • Don’t trust free Image Pools!! Most of them dont have rights of the Creators
  • Don’t visit public Photo Shares, cause most of them RECORD your IP for ABUSE!
  • Check your owned public Blogs and Wiki for uploaded Images by other users or friends monthly
  • Try to forbid the display of Images outside your Blog inside your Content by Admin Settings at your Blog!
  • Insert your Domain Name and Photo Creator Infos into your used Photos!
  • Use less Photos than you really need, cause the Search Engines can only filter Text by their bots and fast load is higher rated.

.. these rules saves your money for your Family.. happy Blogging

Impressum Datenschutz-DSGVO-GDPR

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