Amazon: Cloud Drive Sharing with NFS on Local Network as Photo Uploader Backup

Current the acd_cli tool for amazon drive mount offers no “fsid” (device /dev) point, that you cant export and share the amazon drive at your home local network.

On the latest raspberry pi OS (jessie) you can use a small workaround to get a NFS Shared Amazon Cloud Backup Uploader (needs python3.4 !)

  • install acd_cli tools, create the auth file (read) and  run $ sudo acd_cli mount /amazoncloud
  • now create a second Folder /sendtoamazon
  • install nfs-kernel-Server and share this Folder with NFS exports to your LAN
  • on the raspberrypi you can use a cron “move” Job running every 10 Minutes:
    #crontab -e
    */10 * * * * mv /sendtoamazon/* /amazoncloud

If you now put files on the /sendtoamazon nfs share from a PC,  the raspberry pi will grab and push it into the cloud via the “acd_cli mount” a python3 script, remark 10 minutes is ok for small files! on bigger files use over “40” minutes between pushes. If acd_cli fails check for correct python version! and last python modules!!! (python3-appdirs python3-dateutil python3-requests python3-sqlalchemy python3-pip pip3)

If you have a SMALL BANDWITH for upload you can use “rsync -avz” instead mv (move) with “throttle” option to upload files slowly!!


Howto acd_cli for amazon mount on git

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