Security: Harden DSL Routers and Networks against attacks

Last days there was a high count of news about the Bot Attacks against T-Com Telekom Router devices. To understand the behavior about this up comming security problems you should know following points :

  • Every network supported device can be a goal for a attack ( Routers, Modems, PC, Fridges,IP-TV, IP Switches, IP-Cams…)
  • You have to update the OS for each device monthly, if not supported by the manufacter, then dont buy!
  • Try to get Opensource Hardware with Opensource Software for full access (ssh / console) to have full control
  • Reduce the count of devices who are connected direct to the web!
  • If you must use a ISP Modem / DSL Router of your ISP Provider, then install a second Opensource Router with Firewall behind for more security
  • Use small Firewalls to seperate WIFI and LAN Networks!
  • DISABLE if possible “auto update” and “ISP Remote Control” at the DSL Router / Modem cause more and more comfort functions are hacked to break the systems.
  • Updates must be tested on non productive Routers!
  • Keep clean backups of fresh installed Routers / Modems and restore the backup every 3 month to overwrite bad possible changes!!
  • Connect the Routers to a clocktimer to unplug and hard reboot the Router every night! (againts RAM Hacks)
  • Control every month the Router logs and ISP-Settings ( IP-Phones) cause hackers want to route calls to asia!
  • Dont trust blind every commercial hardware! much bugs like open doors, default passwords are set!
  • Test your System with free tools like “nmap” Portscan and “iftop”
  • Change Passwords, WIFI Passwords, Wifi-IDs! min. 12 signs
Impressum Datenschutz-DSGVO-GDPR

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