Easy Low Cost ISP Setup Debian Server

If you want to host your own old PC as Server for
your friends websites, you can easy set up a
ISP (Internet Service Provider) Server with Debian Linux.

– Debian Linux is available 32bit and 64bit
– easy update
– easy backup and restore

All you need:
– old PC
– Debian CD
– Internet Connection
– DYNDNS Domain or own Domainname
– Webmin, Usermin and Virtualmin GPL Software see www.webmin.com for free
– Webmailer with Office see groupoffice.org for free

– Start PC from CD
– make a small Setup
– set root password!! non sudo !
– set at install to None-DHCP IP (do always set on stronghold IP for Servers)
– install “ssh”

aptitude install ssh

– reboot
– go www.webmin.com see for virtualmin
– download install.sh script
– run install as root

sh install.sh

– wait…
– reboot
– login to https:serverip:10000 with root+passwd
– create domains..enjoy..
– install perhaps groupoffice.. here you must add manual every domain user
caus groupoffice uses own database!

.. enjoy…

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