Month: June 2015

Ubuntu: Libreoffice Calc slow scrolling Intel HD Graphics

On Libreoffice 4.3.X and earlier a lot of users post problems or freezes of scrolling inside Documents This seems to be a bug inside Libreoffice and Cache Handling or 3D Handling to Intel HD Solution: Add last ppa sources to the System to pull newest Version: Open Gnome Terminal / Console enter: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa && apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade -y To pull last from PPA Source Tree and install Libre Office 4.4.X which i tested successful

Debian: Auto Update System Daily without special Tools

If you want to have a full automatic Update on your System then open a Gnome Terminal / Linux Console run (# Comments): $sudo nano /root/ enter: #/!bin/bash apt-get update #pull updates apt-get dist-upgrade -y # install updates apt-get clean #clean update database for next pull to have clean source urls exit 0 save with CTRL+X # save+Exit $sudo chmod 755 /root/ # make able to run Setup Timeplan: $sudo su –  # change to root users console with environment $crontab -e  # open root timer enter: @daily sh /root/ > /dev/null 2>&1 save with CTRL+X and be happy the […]

Ubuntu Vivid: Things you should change after fresh setup

If you Setup Ubuntu 15.XX on a PC there are a few things to change: open a Gnome Terminal an run (# Comments): $sudo apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade #Pull Updates $sudo adduser CrazY12U$ERNAME # Create a crazy Username (Standarduser, no sudo, no lpadmin) for daily work! to prevent social engineering Hacks $sudo chmod 700 /home/* # to prevent that other users look into each other homes! (check root home to “ls -l /root) $sudo passwd root # SET long Password (min.15 digits) for the root User to prevent PC recovery Console Access without Password!!! Keep Password save! $sudo apt-get […]

Ubuntu Vivid Debian: Kernel I/O Errors SSD SATA NVIDIA Chipsets

If you use a PC with a SSD Drive and a Motherboard which uses NVIDIA chipsets you may see Errors on boot Command “dmesg” Output like.. Buffer I/O error on device sdc, logical block 41 ata5: EH complete ata5: EH in SWNCQ mode,QC:qc_active 0x1 sactive 0x1 ata5: SWNCQ:qc_active 0x1 defer_bits 0x0 last_issue_tag 0x0 dhfis 0x1 dmafis 0x1 sdbfis 0x0 ata5: ATA_REG 0x41 ERR_REG 0x84 ata5: tag : dhfis dmafis sdbfis sactive ata5: tag 0x0: 1 1 0 1 ata5.00: exception Emask 0x1 SAct 0x1 SErr 0x300000 action 0x6 frozen ata5.00: Ata error. fis:0x21 ata5.00: cmd 60/08:00:07:04:00/00:00:00:00:00/40 tag 0 ncq 4096 […]

Ubuntu: Recover Data from old Luks Encrypted HDD to new HDD

If you prefer to use encrypted Devices you ran into a problem if you try to move, migrate or recover the files from the old luks protected home. As normal User you should know that luks is used with LVM2 Logicial Volume Manager, which manages the partitions “named based”. Major Info! Ubuntu prename the volume group with the Setup-DVD all time to the same VG_NAME called “ubuntu-vg”!!! So what do you need to migrate or recover? Download the ubuntu DVD and burn it to a disc Insert the new HDD to the Sata1 Port Plugin the ubuntu DVD for Setup […]

Ubuntu Vivid: Systemd boot OS into rescue mode with tmpfs

If you setup a Laptop with 15.XX and a luks encrypted SSD, you did set on older OS “tmpfs” for /tmp. Now under “systemd” the the boot hangs cause systemd “automount” tmpfs to /tmp by default!!! If you enter tmpfs into fstab like on ubuntu 14.10, the OS boots into the “RECOVERY RESCUE MODE” Here some details, from a forum post: Disable automatic mount Under systemd, /tmp may be automatically mounted as a tmpfs even though you have no entry for that in your /etc/fstab. To disable the automatic mount, run: # systemctl mask tmp.mount Files will no longer be […]

Backup your PC with Linux Full Disk Snapshot Free Tool with Diskdump

Today a User is forced to Update daily his System or change anything to try new Software. But here mostly the Users run into very BAD PROBLEMS. I got often Calls that Users lose the control of the PC after Updates, Software Setups, Software Removal’s .. For this Linux offers a default Backup Tool, called Diskdump (“dd” command) which is on every Setup/Recover CD and Installation. Before any Changes do allways a Backup to USB Drives, Sticks or Second SATA Disk! This will save you TIME, Money, DATA and Nerves! Backup : Mount the Disk 2 on Path /mnt as […]

Ubuntu Debian: Setup on older Hardware NO UEFI Workaround Black Screen No Boot

Todays current Hardware Bios uses a new Software Interface to boot. Thats called “UEFI” Newer Linux Versions Support this Hardware Setup by default! BUT these settings makes users (Newbies/Office Users) mostly impossible to setup the System on older Hardware, cause the “Setup Routines” does not detect the older Bios! Here the User must interact manual to force the Setup! Cause the Setup tries to create a Harddrive Partition with a seperated UEFI Partition! See “parted” output on Console! Now if your Setup is made and you Reboot a older Non-UEFI PC you run into “Black Screen”! Especiallly if you setup […]

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